The Mathematically Perfect Table Size For Solving Any Jigsaw Puzzle

When choosing the perfectly sized table to do your jigsaw puzzle on, work out the area of the completed puzzle and multiply it by 1.73.

People may require a larger table if they like to lay all the pieces out at the start, rather than keeping them in the box or in piles

How large does your table need to be when doing a jigsaw puzzle? The answer is the area of the puzzle when assembled multiplied by 1.73. This creates just enough space for all the pieces to be laid flat without any overlap.

“My husband and I were doing a jigsaw puzzle one day and I just wondered if you could estimate the area that the pieces take up before you put the puzzle together,” says Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher at the University of Toronto in Canada.

To uncover this, Bonsma-Fisher and her husband Kent Bonsma-Fisher, at the National Research Council Canada, turned to mathematics.

Puzzle pieces take on a range of “funky shapes” that are often a bit rectangular or square, says Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher. To get around the variation in shapes, the pair worked on the basis that all the pieces took up the surface area of a square. They then imagined each square sitting inside a circle that touches its corners.

By considering the area around each puzzle piece as a circle, a shape that can be packed in multiple ways, they found that a hexagonal lattice, similar to honeycomb, would mean the pieces could interlock with no overlap. Within each hexagon is one full circle and parts of six circles.

They then found that the area taken up by the unassembled puzzle pieces arranged in the hexagonal pattern would always be the total area of the completed puzzle – calculated by multiplying its length by its width – multiplied by the root of 3, or 1.73.

This also applies to jigsaw puzzle pieces with rectangular shapes, seeing as these would similarly fit within a circle.

While doing a puzzle, some people keep pieces that haven’t yet been used in the box, while others arrange them in piles or lay them on a surface, the latter being Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher’s preferred method. “If you really want to lay all your pieces out flat and be comfortable, your table should be a little over twice as big as your sample puzzle,” she says.

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*Credit for article given to Chen Ly*

Digit Patterns in Square Numbers

If You take a look at the square numbers (n^2, n a positive integer), you’ll notice plenty of patterns in the digits. For example, if you look at just the last digit of each square, you’ll observe the repeating pattern 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, 0, … If you construct a graph of “last digit” vs n (like the one below, built with Falthom), the symmetry and period of this digit pattern is apparent.

Why does this happen? The periodic nature of the pattern is easy to understand – when you square a number, only the digit in the ones place contributes to ones place of the product. For example, 22*22 and 32*32 are both going to have a 4 as their last digit – the values in the tens place (or any other place other than the ones) do not affect what ends up as the last digit.

The reason for the symmetry about n=5 is a little less obvious. To see what is going on, it is helpful to use modular arithmetic and to realize that ” last digit of n” is the same as “n mod 10”. Considering what 10-n looks like mod 10 after it is squared, we have the equation below.

This tells us that the last digit of (10-n)^2 is the same as the last digit of n^2, because everything else that is different about these two numbers is divisible by 10.

If you look at the last two digits of the square numbers, you see another repeating pattern that has similar symmetries.

This is a nice looking graph – the period is 50 with a line of symmetry at n=25. You can think about it in the same way as the one-digit case, this time the symmetry is understood by looking at (50-n)^2 mod 100. (Looking at numbers mod 100 tells us their last two digits.)

If you decide to investigate patterns in cubes or higher powers, you’ll see somewhat similar results. Using the binomial theorem and modular arithmetic, you can see why even powers give symmetry similar to the n^2 case, while odd powers do not (although all are periodic).

This graph shows the pattern in the last digit of n^3.

This last graph shows the pattern for the last two digits of n^4.

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*Credit for article given to dan.mackinnon*

Ways to Show a Group is Abelian

After some exposure to group theory, you quickly learn that when trying to prove a group GG is abelian, checking if xy=yxxy=yx for arbitrary x,yx,y in GG is not always the most efficient – or helpful! – tactic. Here is a (not comprehensive) running tab of other ways you may be able to prove your group is abelian:

Show the commutator [x,y]=xyx−1y−1[x,y]=xyx−1y−1of two arbitary elements x,y∈Gx,y∈G must be the identity

  • Show the group is isomorphic to a direct product of two abelian (sub)groups
  • Check if the group has order p2p2 for any prime pp OR if the order is pqpq for primes p≤qp≤q with p∤q−1p∤q−1.
  • Show the group is cyclic.
  • Show |Z(G)|=|G|.|Z(G)|=|G|.
  • Prove G/Z(G)G/Z(G) is cyclic. (e.g. does G/Z(G)G/Z(G) have prime order?)
  • Show that GG has a trivial commutator subgroup, i.e. is [G,G]={e}[G,G]={e}.

Here’s a thought map which is (probably) more fun than practical. Note, pp and qq denote primes below:

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*Credit for article given to Tai-Danae Bradley*

Study Shows the Power of Social Connections to Predict Hit Songs

Ever wondered how your friends shape your music taste? In a recent study, researchers at the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) demonstrated that social networks are a powerful predictor of a song’s future popularity. By analysing friendships and listening habits, they’ve boosted machine learning prediction precision by 50%.

“Our findings suggest that the social element is as crucial in music spread as the artist’s fame or genre influence,” says Niklas Reisz from CSH. By using information about listener social networks, along with common measures used in hit song prediction, such as how well-known the artist is and how popular the genre is, the researchers improved the precision of predicting hit songs from 14% to 21%. The study, published in Scientific Reports, underscores the power of social connections in music trends.

A deep dive into data

The CSH team analysed data from the music platform, analysing 2.7 million users, 10 million songs, and 300 million plays. With users able to friend each other and share music preferences, the researchers gained anonymized insights into who listens to what and who influences whom, according to Reisz.

For their model, the researchers worked with two networks: one mapping friendships and another capturing influence dynamics—who listens to a song and who follows suit. “Here, the nodes of the network are also people, but the connections arise when one person listens to a song and shortly afterwards another person listens to the same song for the first time,” explains Stefan Thurner from CSH.

Examining the first 200 plays of a new song, they predicted its chances of becoming a hit—defined as being in the top 1% most played songs on

User influence

The study found that a song’s spread hinges on user influence within their social network. Individuals with a strong influence and large, interconnected friend circles accelerate a song’s popularity. According to the study, information about social networks and the dynamics of social influence enable much more precise predictions as to whether a song will be a hit or not.

“Our results also show how influence flows both ways—people who influence their friends are also influenced by them” explains CSH researcher Vito Servedio. “In this way, multi-level cascades can develop within a very short time, in which a song can quickly reach many other people, starting with just a few people.”

Social power in the music industry

Predicting hit songs is crucial for the music industry, offering a competitive edge. Existing models often focus on artist fame and listening metrics, but the CSH study highlights the overlooked social aspect—musical homophily, which is the tendency for friends to listen to similar music. “It was particularly interesting for us to see that the social aspect, musical homophily, has so far received very little attention—even though music has always had a strong social aspect,” says Reisz.

The study quantifies this social influence, providing insights that extend beyond music to areas like political opinion and climate change attitudes, according to Thurner.

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Credit of the article given to Complexity Science Hub Vienna


Mathematician Cracks Centuries-Old Problem About The Number 33

The number 33 has surprising depth

Add three cubed numbers, and what do you get? It is a question that has puzzled mathematicians for centuries.

In 1825, a mathematician known as S. Ryley proved that any fraction could be represented as the sum of three cubes of fractions. In the 1950s, mathematician Louis Mordell asked whether the same could be done for integers, or whole numbers. In other words, are there integers k, x, y and z such that k = x3 + y3 + z3 for each possible value of k?

We still don’t know. “It’s long been clear that there are maths problems that are easy to state, but fiendishly hard to solve,” says Andrew Booker at the University of Bristol, UK – Fermat’s last theorem is a famous example.

Booker has now made another dent in the cube problem by finding a sum for the number 33, previously the lowest unsolved example. He used a computer algorithm to search for a solution:

33 = 8,866,128,975,287,5283 + (-8,778,405,442,862,239)3 + (-2,736,111,468,807,040)3

To cut down calculation time, the program eliminated certain combinations of numbers. “For instance, if x, y and z are all positive and large, then there’s no way that x3 + y3 + z3 is going to be a small number,” says Booker. Even so, it took 15 years of computer-processing time and three weeks of real time to come up with the result.

For some numbers, finding a solution to the equation k = x3 + y3 + z3 is simple, but others involve huge strings of digits. “It’s really easy to find solutions for 29, and we know a solution for 30, but that wasn’t found until 1999, and the numbers were in the millions,” says Booker.

Another example is for the number 3, which has two simple solutions: 1+ 1+ 1 and 4+ 4+ (-5) 3 . “But to this day, we still don’t know whether there are more,” he says.

There are certain numbers that we know definitely can’t be the sum of three cubes, including 4, 5, 13, 14 and infinitely many more.

The solution to 74 was only found in 2016, which leaves 42 as the only number less than 100 without a possible solution. There are still 12 unsolved numbers less than 1000.

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*Credit for article given to Donna Lu*

Facebook’s AI Mathematician Can Solve University Calculus Problems

Machines are getting better at maths – artificial intelligence has learned to solve university-level calculus problems in seconds.

François Charton and Guillaume Lample at Facebook AI Research trained an AI on tens of millions of calculus problems randomly generated by a computer. The problems were mathematical expressions that involved integration, a common technique in calculus for finding the area under a curve.

To find solutions, the AI used natural language processing (NLP), a computational tool commonly used to analyse language. This works because the mathematics in each problem can be thought of as a sentence, with variables, normally denoted x, playing the role of nouns and operations, such as finding the square root, playing the role of verbs. The AI then “translates” the problem into a solution.

When the pair tested the AI on 500 calculus problems, it found a solution with an accuracy of 98 per cent. A comparable standard program for solving maths problems had only an accuracy of 85 per cent on the same problems.

The team also gave the AI differential equations to solve, which are other equations that require integration to solve as well as other techniques. For these equations, the AI wasn’t quite as good, solving them correctly 81 per cent for one type of differential equation and 40 per cent on a harder type.

Despite this, it could still correctly answer questions that confounded other maths programs.

Doing calculus on a computer isn’t especially useful in practice, but with further training AI might one day be able to tackle maths problems that are too hard for humans to crack, says Charton.

The efficiency of the AI could save humans time in other mathematical tasks, for example, when proving theorems, says Nikos Aletras at the University of Sheffield, UK.

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*Credit for article given to Gege Li*

New game theory model describes how people make decisions in changing environments

In the face of existential dilemmas that are shared by all of humanity, including the consequences of inequality or climate change, it is crucial to understand the conditions leading to cooperation. A new game theory model developed at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) based on 192 stochastic games and on some elegant algebra finds that both cases—available information and the lack thereof—can lead to cooperative outcomes.

The journal Nature Communications has published a new open-access paper on the role information plays in reaching a cooperative outcome. Working at ISTA with the Chatterjee group, research scholar Maria Kleshnina developed a framework of stochastic games, a tool to describe how people make decisions in changing environments. The new model finds that availability of information is intricately linked to cooperative outcomes.

“In this paper, we present a new model of games where a group’s environment changes, based on actions of group members who do not necessarily have all relevant information about their environment. We find that there are rich interactions between the availability of information and cooperative behaviour.

“Counter-intuitively there are instances where there is a benefit of ignorance, and we characterize when information helps in cooperation,” says Professor Krishnendu Chatterjee who leads the “Computer-Aided Verification, Game Theory” group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, where this work was done.

Ignorance can be beneficial for cooperation too

In 2016, Štěpán Šimsa, one of the authors of the new paper was working with the Chatterjee group, when he ran some preliminary simulations to find that ignorance about the state of the game may benefit cooperation. This is counter-intuitive since the availability of information is generally thought to be universally beneficial. Christian Hilbe, then a postdoc with the Chatterjee group, along with Kleshnina, thought this to be a worthy research direction. The group then took on the task of investigating how information or the lack thereof affects the evolution of cooperation.

“We quantified in which games it is useful to have precise information about the environmental state. And we find that in most cases, around 80 to 90% it is indeed really good if players are aware of the environment’s state and which game they are playing right now. Yet, we also find some very interesting exceptional cases, where it’s actually optimal for cooperation if everyone is ignorant about the game they are playing,” says co-author Christian Hilbe, who now leads the research group Dynamics of Social Behaviour at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany.

The researchers’ framework represents an idealized model for cooperation in changing environments. Therefore, the results cannot be directly transferred to real-world applications like solving climate change. For this, they say, a more extensive model would be required. Although, from the basic science model that she has built, Kleshnina is able to offer a qualitative direction.

“In a changing system, a benefit of ignorance is more likely to occur in systems that naturally punish non-cooperation. This could happen, for example, if the group’s environment quickly deteriorates if players no longer cooperate mutually. In such a system, individuals have strong incentives to cooperate today, if they want to avoid playing an unprofitable game tomorrow,” she says.

To illustrate the benefit of ignorance, Kleshnina says, “For example, we found that in informed populations, individuals can use their knowledge to employ more nuanced strategies. These nuanced strategies, however, can be less effective in sustaining cooperation. In such a case, there is indeed a small benefit of ignorance towards cooperation.”

A brilliant method

Game theory is, in its essence, a study of mathematical models set up within the framework of games or exchange of logical decisions being played between rational players. Its applications in understanding social and biological evolution have been welcomed by interdisciplinary researchers given its game-changing approach.

Within the context of evolutionary game theory, many models investigate cooperation but most assume that the same game is played over and over again, and also that the players are always perfectly aware of the game that they are playing and its state at any given moment. The new study weakens these general assumptions, first by allowing the simulated players to play different games over time. And second, by accounting for the impact of information.

“The beauty of this approach is that one can combine some elegant linear algebra with extensive computer simulations,” says Kleshnina.

The new framework opens up many new research directions. For instance, what is the role of asymmetric information? One player might know the exact game being played, but another may not. This is not something that the model currently covers. “In that sense, our paper has quite [a few] future applications within theory itself,” Hilbe adds.

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Credit of the article given to Institute of Science and Technology Austria


Magic Numbers: The Beauty Of Decimal Notation

While adding up your grocery bill in the supermarket, you’re probably not thinking how important or sophisticated our number system is.

But the discovery of the present system, by unknown mathematicians in India roughly 2,000 years ago – and shared with Europe from the 13th century onwards – was pivotal to the development of our modern world.

Now, what if our “decimal” arithmetic, often called the Indo-Arabic system, had been discovered earlier? Or what if it had been shared with the Western world earlier than the 13th century?

First, let’s define “decimal” arithmetic: we’re talking about the combination of zero, the digits one through nine, positional notation, and efficient rules for arithmetic.

“Positional notation” means that the value represented by a digit depends both on its value and position in a string of digits.

Thus 7,654 means:

(7 × 1000) + (6 × 100) + (5 × 10) + 4 = 7,654

The benefit of this positional notation system is that we need no new symbols or calculation schemes for tens, hundreds or thousands, as was needed when manipulating Roman numerals.

While numerals for the counting numbers one, two and three were seen in all ancient civilisations – and some form of zero appeared in two or three of those civilisations (including India) – the crucial combination of zero and positional notation arose only in India and Central America.

Importantly, only the Indian system was suitable for efficient calculation.

Positional arithmetic can be in base-ten (or decimal) for humans, or in base-two (binary) for computers.

In binary, 10101 means:

(1 × 16) + (0 × 8) + (1 × 4) + (0 × 2) + 1

Which, in the more-familiar decimal notation, is 21.

The rules we learned in primary school for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be easily extended to binary.

The binary system has been implemented in electronic circuits on computers, mostly because the multiplication table for binary arithmetic is much simpler than the decimal system.

Of course, computers can readily convert binary results to decimal notation for us humans.

As easy as counting from one to ten

Perhaps because we learn decimal arithmetic so early, we consider it “trivial”.

Indeed the discovery of decimal arithmetic is given disappointingly brief mention in most western histories of mathematics.

In reality, decimal arithmetic is anything but “trivial” since it eluded the best minds of the ancient world including Greek mathematical super-genius Archimedes of Syracuse.

Archimedes – who lived in the 3rd century BCE – saw far beyond the mathematics of his time, even anticipating numerous key ideas of modern calculus. He also used mathematics in engineering applications.

Nonetheless, he used a cumbersome Greek numeral system that hobbled his calculations.

Imagine trying to multiply the Roman numerals XXXI (31) and XIV (14).

First, one must rewrite the second argument as XIIII, then multiply the second by each letter of the first to obtain CXXXX CXXXX CXXXX XIIII.

These numerals can then be sorted by magnitude to arrive at CCCXXXXXXXXXXXXXIIII.

This can then be rewritten to yield CDXXXIV (434).

(For a bit of fun, try adding MCMLXXXIV and MMXI. First person to comment with the correct answer and their method gets a jelly bean.)

Thus, while possible, calculation with Roman numerals is significantly more time-consuming and error prone than our decimal system (although it is harder to alter the amount payable on a Roman cheque).

History lesson

Although decimal arithmetic was known in the Arab world by the 9th century, it took many centuries to make its way to Europe.

Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci travelled the Mediterranean world in the 13th century, learning from the best Arab mathematicians of the time. Even then, it was several more centuries until decimal arithmetic was fully established in Europe.

Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton – both giants in the world of physics – relied heavily on extensive decimal calculations (by hand) to devise their theories of planetary motion.

In a similar way, present-day scientists rely on massive computer calculations to test hypotheses and design products. Even our mobile phones do surprisingly sophisticated calculations to process voice and video.

But let us indulge in some alternate history of mathematics. What if decimal arithmetic had been discovered in India even earlier, say 300 BCE? (There are indications it was known by this date, just not well documented.)

And what if a cultural connection along the silk-road had been made between Indian mathematicians and Greek mathematicians at the time?

Such an exchange would have greatly enhanced both worlds, resulting in advances beyond the reach of each system on its own.

For example, a fusion of Indian arithmetic and Greek geometry might well have led to full-fledged trigonometry and calculus, thus enabling ancient astronomers to deduce the laws of motion and gravitation nearly two millennia before Newton.

In fact, the combination of mathematics, efficient arithmetic and physics might have accelerated the development of modern technology by more than two millennia.

It is clear from history that without mathematics, real progress in science and technology is not possible (try building a mobile phone without mathematics). But it’s also clear that mathematics alone is not sufficient.

The prodigious computational skills of ancient Indian mathematicians never flowered into advanced technology, nor did the great mathematical achievements of the Greeks, or many developments in China.

On the other hand, the Romans, who were not known for their mathematics, still managed to develop some impressive technology.

But a combination of advanced mathematics, computation, and technology makes a huge difference.

Our bodies and our brains today are virtually indistinguishable from those of ancient times.

With the earlier adoption of Indo-Arabic decimal arithmetic, the modern technological world of today might – for better or worse – have been achieved centuries ago.

And that’s something worth thinking about next time you’re out grocery shopping.

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*Credit for article given to Jonathan Borwein (Jon)*

If I Had a Blank Cheque I’d … Turn IBM’s Watson Into a Maths Genius

Money should be no object when it comes to the numbers game. krissyho

Mathematics has many grand challenge problems, but none that can potentially be settled by pouring in more money – unlike the case of the Large Hadron Collider, the Square Kilometre Array or other such projects.

Maths is a different beast. But, of course, you’re offering me unlimited, free dosh, so I should really think of something.

Grand Challenges in Mathematics

In his famous 1900 speech The Problems of Mathematics David Hilbert listed 23 problems that set the stage for 20th century mathematics.

It was a speech full of optimism for mathematics in the coming century and Hilbert felt open (or unsolved) problems were a sign of vitality:

“The great importance of definite problems for the progress of mathematical science in general … is undeniable … [for] as long as a branch of knowledge supplies a surplus of such problems, it maintains its vitality … every mathematician certainly shares … the conviction that every mathematical problem is necessarily capable of strict resolution … we hear within ourselves the constant cry: There is the problem, seek the solution. You can find it through pure thought …”

Hilbert’s problems included the continuum hypothesis, the “well-ordering” of the reals, Goldbach’s conjecture, the transcendence of powers of algebraic numbers, the Riemann hypothesis, the extension of Dirichlet’s principle and many more.

Many were solved in subsequent decades, and each time it was a major event for mathematics.

The Riemann hypothesis (which deals with the distribution of prime numbers) remains on a list of seven “third millennium” problems.

For the solution of each millennium problem, the Clay Mathematics Institute offers – in the spirit of the times – a one million dollar prize.

This prize has already been awarded and refused by Perelman for resolving the Poincaré conjecture. The solution also merited Science’s Breakthrough of the Year, the first time mathematics had been so honoured.

Certainly, given unlimited moolah, learned groups could be gathered to attack each problem and assisted in various material ways. But targeted research in mathematics has even less history of success than in the other sciences … which is saying something.

Doron Zeilberger famously said that the Riemann hypothesis is the only piece of mathematics whose proof (i.e. certainty of knowledge) merits $10 billion being spent.

As John McCarthy wrote in Science in 1997:

“In 1965 the Russian mathematician Alexander Konrod said ‘Chess is the Drosophila [a type of fruit fly] of artificial intelligence.

“But computer chess has developed as genetics might have if the geneticists had concentrated their efforts, starting in 1910, on breeding racing Drosophila. We would have some science, but mainly we would have very fast fruit flies.”

Unfortunately, the so-called “curse of exponentiality” – whereby the more difficult a problem becomes, the challenge of solving it increases exponentially – pervades all computing, and especially mathematics.

As a result, many problems – such as Ramsey’s Theorem – will likely be impossible to solve by computer brute force, regardless of advances in technology.

Money for nothing

But, of course, I must get to the point. You’re offering me a blank cheque, so what would I do? A holiday in Greece for two? No, not this time. Here’s my manifesto:

Google has transformed mathematical life (as it has with all aspects of life) but is not very good at answering mathematical questions – even if one knows precisely the question to ask and it involves no symbols.

In February, IBM’s Watson computer walloped the best human Jeopardy players in one of the most impressive displays of natural language competence by a machine.

I would pour money into developing an enhanced Watson for mathematics and would acquire the whole corpus of maths for its database.

Maths ages very well and I am certain we would discover a treasure trove. Since it’s hard to tell where maths ends and physics, computer science and other subjects begin, I would be catholic in my acquisitions.

Since I am as rich as Croesus and can buy my way out of trouble, I will not suffer the same court challenges Google Books has faced.

I should also pay to develop a comprehensive computation and publishing system with features that allow one to manipulate mathematics while reading it and which ensures published mathematics is rich and multi-textured, allowing for reading at a variety of levels.

Since I am still in a spending mood, I would endow a mathematical research institute with great collaboration tools for roughly each ten million people on Earth.

Such institutes have greatly enhanced research in the countries that can afford and chose to fund them.

Content with my work, I would then rest.

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*Credit for article given to Jonathan Borwein (Jon)*

Math algorithm tracks crime, rumours, epidemics to source

A team of EPFL scientists has developed an algorithm that can identify the source of an epidemic or information circulating within a network, a method that could also be used to help with criminal investigations.

Investigators are well aware of how difficult it is to trace an unlawful act to its source. The job was arguably easier with old, Mafia-style criminal organizations, as their hierarchical structures more or less resembled predictable family trees.

In the Internet age, however, the networks used by organized criminals have changed. Innumerable nodes and connections escalate the complexity of these networks, making it ever more difficult to root out the guilty party. EPFL researcher Pedro Pinto of the Audiovisual Communications Laboratory and his colleagues have developed an algorithm that could become a valuable ally for investigators, criminal or otherwise, as long as a network is involved.

“Using our method, we can find the source of all kinds of things circulating in a network just by ‘listening’ to a limited number of members of that network,” explains Pinto. Suppose you come across a rumor about yourself that has spread on Facebook and been sent to 500 people; your friends, or even friends of your friends. How do you find the person who started the rumor? “By looking at the messages received by just 15󈞀 of your friends, and taking into account the time factor, our algorithm can trace the path of that information back and find the source,” Pinto adds. This method can also be used to identify the origin of a spam message or a computer virus using only a limited number of sensors within the network.

Out in the real world, the algorithm can be employed to find the primary source of an infectious disease, such as cholera. “We tested our method with data on an epidemic in South Africa provided by EPFL professor Andrea Rinaldo’s Ecohydrology Laboratory,” says Pinto. “By modeling water networks, river networks, and human transport networks, we were able to find the spot where the first cases of infection appeared by monitoring only a small fraction of the villages.”

The method would also be useful in responding to terrorist attacks, such as the 1995 sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway, in which poisonous gas released in the city’s subterranean tunnels killed 13 people and injured nearly 1,000 more. “Using this algorithm, it wouldn’t be necessary to equip every station with detectors. A sample would be sufficient to rapidly identify the origin of the attack, and action could be taken before it spreads too far,” says Pinto.

Computer simulations of the telephone conversations that could have occurred during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were used to test Pinto’s system. “By reconstructing the message exchange inside the 9/11 terrorist network extracted from publicly released news, our system spit out the names of three potential suspects; one of whom was found to be the mastermind of the attacks, according to the official enquiry.”

The validity of this method thus has been proven a posteriori. But according to Pinto, it could also be used preventatively; for example, to understand an outbreak before it gets out of control. “By carefully selecting points in the network to test, we could more rapidly detect the spread of an epidemic,” he points out. It could also be a valuable tool for advertisers who use viral marketing strategies by leveraging the Internet and social networks to reach customers. For example, this algorithm would allow them to identify the specific Internet that are the most influential for their target audience and to understand how in these articles spread throughout the online community.

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Credit of the article given to Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne