The Whole is Equivalent to Some of Its Parts

The whole is equivalent to the sum of its parts

Which is bigger, 10 or 7?

I suspect that for most, the response to this question is instinctive, unconscious, and immediate. So how about I pose a follow-up question:

How do you know?

If you can refrain from dismissing this question as trivial, I invite you to pause and try to reflect on what happened in your mind in that instant – is this factual recall, was there something visual, was it something contextual, or was it something else?

Perhaps you will indulge me and delve a little deeper:

In how many ways do you know?

Here again, I invite you to pause and consider your response before continuing. Maybe you would like to imagine that you are trying to convince someone or different people. Pick up a piece of paper and draw pictures, write things down, and try to form another approach that is different in some way from the others.

When we compare numerical values, there are many helpful approaches that we can take. These might be based on processes such as: counting, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I said 7 first so it must be smaller (that’s how numbers work!)”; motion/movement, “If we start together at the bottom, then I climb 7 stairs and you climb 10 stairs, you will be higher than me (and more tired!)”; measurement/length, “This length (7cm) is shorter than this length (10cm)”; matching/creating correspondences, “There are 10 people and 7 cupcakes if I hand out a cupcake to each person I will run out – not everyone will get one!”

Each of these approaches (and the many more you might imagine) might be grounded in two prominent types of reasoning: part-whole and/or correspondence. These two ideas are used pervasively, interchangeably, and often simultaneously when reasoning with numbers in most of school mathematics and in our daily experiences.


Let’s take another comparison problem, this time inspired by questions posed to children in a study by Falk (2010):

What are there more of:

  1. Hairs on your head OR fingers on two hands?
  2. Fingers on two hands OR days in a month?
  3. Grains of sand on Earth OR hairs on your head?
  4. All numbers OR grains of sand on Earth?

This time, I suspect, your responses were not always instantaneous and more conscious thought was required. How convinced are you of your responses? Did you feel as though more information was required?

When you reflect on the reasoning you employed in making these comparisons, I wonder whether you assigned numerical values to the quantities – did you feel an urge to do so, as a first step, before applying similar techniques to those used before?

When the children in this study were faced with such comparisons, an interesting misconception revealed itself: many of them considered a very large number, for instance, the number of grains of sand on Earth, to be synonymous with infinity. This, of course, presents a potential difficulty with question 4; I suspect you won’t be alone if you encounter this, too.

When we encounter numbers or quantities that are so large/vast that they are beyond our comprehension, it is perhaps unsurprising that we equate these with infinity – that magical word that creeps into our consciousness from a very young age as the default answer to any questions about “biggest number.” So, is this a problematic concept to hold? In practical terms, for most people, probably not. But mathematically it is, and actually confronting it offers some wonderful opportunities to explore, discuss and better understand the numbers that we work with, the structure of mathematical systems, and the nature of the mathematics that we study.

So how could we confront this misconception? How can we take advantage of the opportunities alluded to above? Well, one possibility is purposefully to create situations where the misconception might arise.

Position the quantities representing the grains of sand on Earth and all numbers on a number line.

  • Would they be in the same place, or would one be closer to zero than the other?
  • If they are not in the same place, are they very close together or very far apart?
  • Is it possible to measure the gap between these two quantities?

Talking around this task is likely to draw attention to the fact that some quantities may be large and unknown, but we can be certain they are finite – a single number exists to represent them, we just don’t know what it is. Others, however, are large, unknown, and also not finite – they are not represented by a single large number but are unbounded, often the result of an infinite process such as counting. These infinite quantities cannot be positioned on a number line, and the gap (the difference) between any finite quantity and an infinite one is immeasurable – it is infinitely large in itself!

So, is it possible to make comparisons with infinite quantities? Or is this “not allowed?!” Well, we can certainly say that any finite quantity is smaller than any infinite quantity. But how about this:

What are there more of: natural numbers or even numbers?

I would encourage you, once again, to establish and hold your own response to this question in your mind before reading on.

As at the beginning of this blog, the follow-up question is:

How do you know?

Intuition tends to be strong here, grounded in our experiences with finite quantities and part-whole reasoning: the even numbers are a part of the natural numbers so there must be more natural numbers (twice as many, we might argue). We can confirm this with examples; for instance, by comparing the number of natural numbers and even numbers there are up to a fixed point, say 100:

Now, what if I asked you to find an alternative approach, another way of explaining how you know that there are more natural numbers than even numbers? When we compared 7 and 10, we discussed two main approaches, those based on part-whole reasoning and those based on matching / correspondences. What would a correspondence approach look like here?

It looks as though I can pair up the two sets of numbers, I can match every natural number, one-to-one, with an even number, so the two sets are equal… Uh oh! And, more than that, our two methods of comparison, which are usually used interchangeably, lead to different results!

How do you feel about this seemingly contradictory situation? Maybe this example is something you are comfortable with, but most likely not! For many students, and indeed teachers, this is a troubling situation, causing us to throw up our hands in despair and confusion! However, if we can overcome this sensation and recognise that the conflict is real (it’s not that we’ve made an error), then the stage is set for thinking more carefully about assumptions that might have been made and when and where our mathematical rules and procedures are used and valid. Giving students similar opportunities to encounter situations where their intuition is called into question, inviting them to discuss (and argue!), expose their own lines of reasoning, and compare contexts and situations in the search for an explanation, is surely a good thing! Perhaps, when prompted in this way they might also be more receptive to the introduction of standard, accepted approaches within mathematics.

As a closing comment, let’s notice that our discussions are touching on the most fundamental property of any infinite set: that it can be matched, one-to-one, with a proper subset of itself. In other words, in the case of infinite sets, the whole is equivalent to some of its parts!

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Credit for the article given to Tabitha Gould

Math Anxiety in Students With and Without Math Learning Difficulties

The importance of mathematics in daily and professional life has been increasing with the contribution of developing technology. The level of mathematical knowledge and skills directly influence the quality standards of our individual and social life. However, mathematics the importance of which we feel in every aspect of our life is unfortunately not learned enough by many individuals for many reasons. The leading reasons regarding this issue are as follows: the abstract and hierarchical structure of mathematics, methods and strategies in learning mathematics, and the learning difficulties in mathematics. Developmental Dyscalculia (DD)/Mathematics Learning Difficulty (MLD) is a brain-based condition that negatively affects mathematics acquisition.

The mathematical performance of a student with MLD is much lower than expected for age, intelligence, and education, although there are no conditions such as intellectual disability, emotional disturbances, cultural deprivation, or lack of education. Difficulties in mathematics result from a number of cognitive and emotional factors. Math anxiety is one of the emotional factors that may severely disrupt a significant number of children and adults in learning and achievement in math.

Math anxiety is defined as “the feelings of tension and anxiety that interfere with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations”. Sherard describes math anxiety as the fear of math or an intense and negative emotional response to mathematics. There are many reasons for the cause of the math anxiety. These include lack of the appropriate mathematical background of the students, study habits of memorizing formulas, problems and applications that are not related to real life, challenging and time-limited exams, lack of concrete materials, the difficulty of some subjects in mathematics, type of personality, negative approach on mathematics, lack of confidence, the approaches, feelings, and thoughts of teachers and parents on mathematics.

The negative relationship between math anxiety and math performance is an international issue. The PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) statistics measuring a wide variety of countries and cultures depict that the high level of negative correlation between math anxiety and mathematical performance is remarkable. Some studies showed that highly math-anxious individuals are worse than those with low mathematics anxiety in terms of solving mathematical problems. These differences are not typically observed in simple arithmetic operations such as 7 + 9 and 6 × 8, but it is more evident when more difficult arithmetic problems are tested.

Math anxiety is associated with cognitive information processing resources during arithmetic task performance in a developing brain. It is generally accepted that math anxiety negatively affects mathematical performance by distorting sources of working memory. The working memory is conceptualized as a limited source of cognitive systems responsible for the temporary storage and processing of information in momentary awareness.

The learning difficulties in mathematics relate to deficiencies in the central executive component of the working memory. Many studies suggest that individuals with learning difficulties in mathematics have a lack of working memory. It is stated that students with learning difficulties in mathematics use more inferior strategies than their peers for solving basic (4 + 3) and complex (16 + 8) addition and fall two years behind their peers while they fall a year behind in their peers’ working memory capacities.

Highly math-anxious individuals showed smaller working memory spans, especially when evaluated with a computationally based task. This reduced working memory capacity, when implemented simultaneously with a memory load task, resulting in a significant increase in the reaction time and errors. A number of studies showed that working memory capacity is a robust predictor of arithmetic problem-solving and solution strategies.

Although it is not clear to what extent math anxiety affects mathematical difficulties and how much of the experience of mathematical difficulties causes mathematical anxiety, there is considerable evidence that math anxiety affects mathematical performance that requires working memory. Figure below depicts these reciprocal relationships among math anxiety, poor math performance, and lack of working memory. The findings of the studies mentioned above, make it possible to draw this figure.

Basic numerical and mathematical skills have been crucial predictors of an individual’s vital success. When anxiety is controlled, it is seen that the mathematical performance of the students increases significantly. Hence, early identification and treatment of math anxiety is of importance. Otherwise, early anxieties can have a snowball effect and eventually lead students to avoid mathematics courses and career options for math majors. Although many studies confirm that math anxiety is present at high levels in primary school children, it is seen that the studies conducted at this level are relatively less when the literature on math anxiety is examined. In this context, this study aims to determine the dimensions of the relationship between math anxiety and mathematics achievement of third graders by their mathematics achievement levels.


The study was conducted by descriptive method. The purpose of the descriptive method is to reveal an existing situation as it is. This study aims to examine the relationship between math anxiety and mathematics achievement of third graders in primary school in terms of student achievement levels.


Researchers of mathematics learning difficulties (MLD) commonly use cutoff scores to determine which participants have MLD. These cutoff scores vary between -2 ss and -0.68 ss. Some researchers apply more restrictive cutoffs than others (e.g., performance below the 10th percentile or below the 35th percentile). The present study adopted the math achievement test to determine children with MLD based below the 10th percentile. The unit of analysis was third graders of an elementary school located in a low socioeconomic area. The study reached 288 students using math anxiety scale and math achievement test tools. The students were classified into four groups by their mathematics achievement test scores: math learning difficulties (0-10%), low achievers (11-25%), normal achievers (26-95%), and high achievers (96-100%).

Table 1. Distribution of participants by gender and groups

Data Collection Tools

Two copyrighted survey scales, consisting of 29 items were used to construct a survey questionnaire. The first scale is the Math Anxiety Scale developed by Mutlu & Söylemez for 3rd and 4th graders with a 3-factor structure of 13 items. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is adopted by the study to evaluate the extent to which a measurement produces reliable results at different times. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the scale is .75 which confirms the reliability of and internal consistency of the study. The response set was designed in accordance with the three- point Likert scale with agree, neutral, and disagree. Of the 13 items in the scale, 5 were positive and 8 were negative. Positive items were rated as 3-2-1, while negative items were rated as 1-2-3. The highest score on the scale was 39 and the lowest on the scale was 13.

The second data collection tool adopted by this study is the math achievement test for third graders developed by Fidan (2013). It has 16 items designed in accordance with the national math curriculum. Correct responses were scored one point while wrong responses were scored zero point.

Data Analysis

The study mainly utilized five statistical analyses which are descriptive analysis, independent samples t-test, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, linear regression and ANOVA. First, an independent samples t-test was performed to determine whether there was a significant difference between the levels of math anxiety by gender. Then, a Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between the math anxiety and mathematics achievement of the students. After that, a linear regression analysis was performed to predict the mathematics achievement of the participants based on their math anxiety. Finally, an ANOVA was performed to determine if there was a significant difference between the math anxiety of the groups determined in terms of mathematics achievement.


The findings of the math anxiety scores by gender of the study found no significant difference between the averages [t(286)= 1.790, p< .05]. This result shows that the math anxiety levels of girls and boys are close to each other. Since there is no difference between math anxiety scores by gender, the data in the study were combined.

Table 2. Comparison of anxiety scores by gender

There was a strong and negative correlation between math anxiety and mathematics achievement with the values of r= -0.597, n= 288, and p= .00. This result indicates that the highly math-anxious students and decreases in math anxiety were correlated with increases in rating of math achievement.

A simple linear regression was calculated to predict math achievement level based on the math anxiety. A significant regression equation was found (F(1,286)= 158.691, p< .000) with an R2 of .357. Participants’ predicted math achievement is equal to 20.153 + -6.611 when math anxiety is measured in unit. Math achievement decreased -6.611 for each unit of the math anxiety.

Figure below shows the relationship between the math anxiety of the children and their mathematics achievement on a group basis. Figure 1 provides us that there is a negative correlation between mathematical performance and math anxiety. The results depict that the HA group has the lowest math anxiety score, while the MLD group has the highest math anxiety.

Table 3. Comparison of the mathematical anxiety scores of the groups

The table indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between groups as determined at the p<.05 level by one-way ANOVA (F(3,284)= 36.584, p= .000). Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey test indicated that the mean score for MLD group (M= 1.96, sd= 0.30) was significantly different than the NA group (M= 1.41, sd= 0.84) and HA group (M= 1.24, sd= 0.28). However, the MLD group (M= 1.96, sd= 0.30) did not significantly differ from the LA group (M= 1.76, sd= 0.27).

Discussion and Conclusion

Math anxiety is a problem that can adversely affect the academic success and employment prospects of children. Although the literature on math anxiety is largely focused on adults, recent studies have reported that some children begin to encounter math anxiety at the elementary school level. The findings of the study depict that the correlation level of math anxiety and math achievement is -.597 among students. In a meta-analysis study of Hembre and Ma, found that the level of relationship between mathematical success and math anxiety is -.34 and -.27, respectively. In a similar meta-analysis study performed in Turkey, the correlation coefficient was found to be -.44. The different occurrence of the coefficients is probably dependent on the scales used and the sample variety.

The participants of the study were classified into four groups: math learning difficulties (0-10%), low success (11-25%), normal (26-95%), and high success (96-100%) by the mathematics achievement test scores. The study compared the math anxiety scores of the groups and found no significant difference between the mean scores of the math anxiety of the lower two groups (mean of MLD math anxiety, .196; mean of LA math anxiety .177) as it was between the upper two groups (mean of NA math anxiety, .142; mean of HA math anxiety .125). This indicates that the math anxiety level of the students with learning difficulties in math does not differ from the low math students. However, a significant difference was found between the mean scores of math anxiety of the low successful and the normal group.

It may be better for some students to maintain moderate levels of math anxiety to make their learning and testing materials moderately challenging, but it can be clearly said that high math anxiety has detrimental effects on the mathematical performance of the individuals. Especially for students with learning difficulties in math, the high level of math anxiety will lead to destructive effects in many dimensions, primarily a lack of working memory.

Many of the techniques employed to reduce or eliminate the link between math anxiety and poor math performance involve addressing the anxiety rather than training math itself. Some methods for reducing math anxiety can be used in teaching mathematics. For instance, effective instruction for struggling mathematics learners includes instructional explicitness, a strong conceptual basis, cumulative review and practice, and motivators to help maintain student interest and engagement.

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Credit for the article given to Yılmaz Mutlu

Why Discrete Math Is Important?

Most middle and high school math curricula follow a well-defined path:

Pre-algebra Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Trig / Precalculus Calculus

Other middle and high schools prefer an “integrated” curriculum, wherein elements of algebra,

geometry and trigonometry are mixed together over a 3-year or 4-year sequence. However, both of these approaches generally lack a great deal of emphasis on discrete math: topics such as combinatorics, probability, number theory, set theory, logic, algorithms, and graph theory. Because discrete math does not figure prominently in most states’ middle or high school “high-stakes” progress exams, and because it also does not figure prominently on college admissions exams such as the SAT, it is often overlooked.

However, discrete math has become increasingly important in recent years, for a number of reasons:

Discrete math is essential to college-level mathematics and beyond.

Discrete math—together with calculus and abstract algebra—is one of the core components of mathematics at the undergraduate level. Students who learn a significant quantity of discrete math before entering college will be at a significant advantage when taking undergraduate-level math courses.

Discrete math is the mathematics of computing.

The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on discrete math, in particular combinatorics and graph theory. This means that in order to learn the fundamental algorithms used by computer programmers, students will need a solid background in these subjects. Indeed, at most universities, an undergraduate-level course in discrete mathematics is a required part of pursuing a computer science degree.

Discrete math is very much “real-world” mathematics.

Many students’ complaints about traditional high school math—algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and the like—are, “What good is this for?” The somewhat abstract nature of these subjects often turns off students. By contrast, discrete math, in particular counting and probability, allows students—even at the middle school level—to very quickly explore non-trivial “real world” problems that are challenging and interesting.

Discrete math shows up in most middle and high school math contests.

Prominent math competitions such as the International Maths Olympiad feature discrete math questions as a significant portion of their contests. On harder high school contests, such as the AIME, the quantity of discrete math is even larger. Students who do not have a discrete math background will be at a significant disadvantage in these contests. In fact, one prominent Math coach tells us that he spends nearly 50% of his preparation time with his students covering counting and probability topics, because of their importance in global contests.

Discrete math teaches mathematical reasoning and proof techniques.

Algebra is often taught as a series of formulas and algorithms for students to memorize (for example, the quadratic formula, solving systems of linear equations by substitution, etc.), and geometry is often taught as a series of “definition-theorem-proof” exercises that are often done by rote (for example, the infamous “two-column proof”). While undoubtedly the subject matter being taught is important, the material (at least at the introductory level) does not lend itself to a great deal of creative mathematical thinking. By contrast, with discrete mathematics, students will be thinking flexibly and creatively right out of the box. There are relatively few formulas to memorize; rather, there are a number of fundamental concepts to be mastered and applied in many different ways.

Discrete math is fun.

Many students, especially bright and motivated students, find algebra, geometry, and even calculus dull and uninspiring. Rarely is this the case with most discrete math topics. When we ask students what their favourite topic is, most respond either “combinatorics” or “number theory.” (When we ask them what their least favourite topic is, the overwhelming response is “geometry.”) Simply put, most students find discrete math more fun than algebra or geometry.

For more insights like this, visit our website at

Credit for the article given to David Patrick

Why Expanding Access to Algebra is a Matter of Civil Rights

Bob Moses, who helped register Black residents to vote in Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement, believed civil rights went beyond the ballot box. To Moses, who was a teacher as well as an activist, math literacy is a civil right: a requirement to earning a living wage in modern society. In 1982, he founded the Algebra Project to ensure that “students at the bottom get the math literacy they need.”

As a researcher who studies ways to improve the math experiences of students, we believe a new approach that expands access to algebra may help more students get the math literacy Moses, who died in 2021, viewed as so important. It’s a goal districts have long been struggling to meet.

Efforts to improve student achievement in algebra have been taking place for decades. Unfortunately, the math pipeline in the United States is fraught with persistent opportunity gaps. According to the Nation’s Report Card—a congressionally mandated project administered by the Department of Education—in 2022 only 29% of U.S. fourth graders and 20% of U.S. eighth graders were proficient in math. Low-income students, students of colour and multilingual learners, who tend to have lower scores on math assessments, often do not have the same access as others to qualified teachers, high-quality curriculum and well-resourced classrooms.

A new approach

The Dallas Independent School District—or Dallas ISD—is gaining national attention for increasing opportunities to learn by raising expectations for all students. Following in the footsteps of more than 60 districts in the state of Washington, in 2019 the Dallas ISD implemented an innovative approach of having students be automatically enrolled rather than opt in to honours math in middle school.

Under an opt-in policy, students need a parent or teacher recommendation to take honours math in middle school and Algebra 1 in eighth grade. That policy led both to low enrolment and very little diversity in honours math. Some parents, especially those who are Black or Latino, were not aware how to enroll their students in advanced classes due to a lack of communication in many districts.

In addition, implicit bias, which exists in all demographic groups, may influence teachers’ perceptions of the behaviour and academic potential of students, and therefore their subsequent recommendations. Public school teachers in the U.S. are far less racially and ethnically diverse than the students they serve.

Dallas ISD’s policy overhaul aimed to foster inclusivity and bridge educational gaps among students. Through this initiative, every middle school student, regardless of background, was enrolled in honours math, the pathway that leads to taking Algebra 1 in eighth grade, unless they opted out.

Flipping the switch from opt-in to opt-out led to a dramatic increase in the number of Black and Latino learners, who constitute the majority of Dallas students. And the district’s overall math scores remained steady. About 60% of Dallas ISD eighth graders are now taking Algebra 1, triple the prior level. Moreover, more than 90% are passing the state exam.

Efforts spread

Other cities are taking notice of the effects of Dallas ISD’s shifting policy. The San Francisco Unified School District, for example, announced plans in February 2024 to implement Algebra 1 in eighth grade in all schools by the 2026-27 school year.

In fall 2024, the district will pilot three programs to offer Algebra 1 in eighth grade. The pilots range from an opt-out program for all eighth graders—with extra support for students who are not proficient—to a program that automatically enrolls proficient students in Algebra 1, offered as an extra math class during the school day. Students who are not proficient can choose to opt in. Nationwide, however, districts that enroll all students in Algebra 1 and allow them to opt out are still in the minority. And some stopped offering eighth grade Algebra 1 entirely, leaving students with only pre-algebra classes. Cambridge, Massachusetts—the city in which Bob Moses founded the Algebra Project—is among them.

Equity concerns linger

Between 2017 and 2019, district leaders in the Cambridge Public Schools phased out the practice of placing middle school students into “accelerated” or “grade-level” math classes. Few middle schools in the district now offer Algebra 1 in eighth grade.

The policy shift, designed to improve overall educational outcomes, was driven by concerns over significant racial disparities in advanced math enrollment in high school. Completion of Algebra 1 in eighth grade allows students to climb the math ladder to more difficult classes, like calculus, in high school. In Cambridge, the students who took eighth grade Algebra 1 were primarily white and Asian; Black and Latino students enrolled, for the most part, in grade-level math.

Some families and educators contend that the district’s decision made access to advanced math classes even more inequitable. Now, advanced math in high school is more likely to be restricted to students whose parents can afford to help them prepare with private lessons, after-school programs or private schooling, they said.

While the district has tried to improve access to advanced math in high school by offering a free online summer program for incoming ninth graders, achievement gaps have remained persistently wide.

Perhaps striking a balance between top-down policy and bottom-up support will help schools across the U.S. realize the vision Moses dreamed of in 1982 when he founded the Algebra Project: “That in the 21st century every child has a civil right to secure math literacy—the ability to read, write and reason with the symbol systems of mathematics.”

For more insights like this, visit our website at

Credit of the article given to Liza Bondurant, The Conversation



Real Equity in Math Education is About More Than Good Grades and Test Scores

Math education outcomes in the United States have been unequal for decades. Learners in the top 10% socioeconomically tend to be about four grade levels ahead of learners in the bottom 10%—a statistic that has remained stubbornly persistent for 50 years.

To advance equity, policymakers and educators often focus on boosting test scores and grades and making advanced courses more widely available. Through this lens, equity means all students earn similar grades and progress to similar levels of math.

With more than three decades of experience as a researcher, math teacher and teacher educator, we advocate for expanding what equity means in mathematics education. We believe policymakers and educators should focus less on test scores and grades and more on developing students’ confidence and ability to use math to make smart personal and professional decisions. This is mathematical power—and true equity.

What is ‘equity’ in math?

To understand the limitations of thinking about equity solely in terms of academic achievements, consider a student whom We interviewed during her freshman year of college.

Jasmine took Algebra 1 in ninth grade, followed by a summer online geometry course. This put her on a pathway to study calculus during her senior year in an AP class in which she earned an A. She graduated high school in the top 20% of her class and went to a highly selective liberal arts college. Now in her first year, she plans to study psychology.

Did Jasmine receive an equitable mathematics education? From an equity-as-achievement perspective, yes. But let’s take a closer look.

Jasmine experienced anxiety in her math classes during her junior and senior years in high school. Despite strong grades, she found herself “in a little bit of a panic” when faced with situations that require mathematical analysis. This included deciding the best loan options.

In college, Jasmine’s major required statistics. Her counsellor and family encouraged her to take calculus over statistics in high school because calculus “looked better” for college applications. She wishes now she had studied statistics as a foundation for her major and for its usefulness outside of school. In her psychology classes, knowledge of statistics helps her better understand the landscape of disorders and to ask questions like, “How does gender impact this disorder?”

These outcomes suggest Jasmine did not receive an equitable mathematics education, because she did not develop mathematical power. Mathematical power is the know-how and confidence to use math to inform decisions and navigate the demands of daily life—whether personal, professional or civic. An equitable education would help her develop the confidence to use mathematics to make decisions in her personal life and realize her professional goals. Jasmine deserved more from her mathematics education.

The prevalence of inequitable math education

Experiences like Jasmine’s are unfortunately common. According to one large-scale study, only 37% of U.S. adults have mathematical skills that are useful for making routine financial and medical decisions.

A National Council on Education and the Economy report found that coursework for nine common majors, including nursing, required relatively few of the mainstream math topics taught in most high schools. A recent study found that teachers and parents perceive math education as “unengaging, outdated and disconnected from the real world.”

Looking at student experiences, national survey results show that large proportions of students experience anxiety about math class, low levels of confidence in math, or both. Students from historically marginalized groups experience this anxiety at higher rates than their peers. This can frustrate their postsecondary pursuits and negatively affect their lives.


How to make math education more equitable

In 2023, We collaborated with other educators from Connecticut’s professional math education associations to author an equity position statement. The position statement, which was endorsed by the Connecticut State Board of Education, outlines three commitments to transform mathematics education.

  1. Foster positive math identities: The first commitment is to foster positive math identities, which includes students’ confidence levels and their beliefs about math and their ability to learn it. Many students have a very negative relationship with mathematics. This commitment is particularly important for students of colour and language learners to counteract the impact of stereotypes about who can be successful in mathematics.

A growing body of material exists to help teachers and schools promote positive math identities. For example, writing a math autobiography can help students see the role of math in their lives. They can also reflect on their identity as a “math person.” Teachers should also acknowledge students’ strengths and encourage them to share their own ideas as a way to empower them.

  1. Modernize math content: The second commitment is to modernize the mathematical content that school districts offer to students. For example, a high school mathematics pathway for students interested in health care professions might include algebra, math for medical professionals and advanced statistics. With these skills, students will be better prepared to calculate drug dosages, communicate results and risk factors to patients, interpret reports and research, and catch potentially life-threatening errors.
  2. Align state policies and requirements:The third commitment is to align state policies and school districts in their definition of mathematical proficiency and the requirements for achieving it. In 2018, for instance, eight states had a high school math graduation requirement insufficient for admission to the public universities in the same state. Other states’ requirements exceed the admission requirements. Aligning state and district definitions of math proficiency clears up confusion for students and eliminates unnecessary barriers.

What’s next?

As long as educators and policymakers focus solely on equalizing test scores and enrolment in advanced courses, we believe true equity will remain elusive. Mathematical power—the ability and confidence to use math to make smart personal and professional decisions—needs to be the goal.

No one adjustment to the U.S. math education system will immediately result in students gaining mathematical power. But by focusing on students’ identities and designing math courses that align with their career and life goals, we believe schools, universities and state leaders can create a more expansive and equitable math education system.

For more insights like this, visit our website at

Credit of the article given to Megan Staples, The Conversation

Mathematicians Found a Guaranteed Way to Win The Lottery

A pair of mathematicians studied the UK National Lottery and figured out a combination of 27 tickets that guarantees you will always win, but they tell New Scientist they don’t bother to play.

David Cushing and David Stewart calculate a winning solution

Earlier this year, two mathematicians revealed that it is possible to guarantee a win on the UK national lottery by buying just 27 tickets, despite there being 45,057,474 possible draw combinations. The pair were shocked to see their findings make headlines around the world and inspire numerous people to play these 27 tickets – with mixed results – and say they don’t bother to play themselves.

David Cushing and David Stewart at the University of Manchester, UK, used a mathematical field called finite geometry to prove that particular sets of 27 tickets would guarantee a win.

They placed each of the lottery numbers from 1 to 59 in pairs or triplets on a point within one of five geometrical shapes, then used these to generate lottery tickets based on the lines within the shapes. The five shapes offer 27 such lines, meaning that 27 tickets will cover every possible winning combination of two numbers, the minimum needed to win a prize. Each ticket costs £2.

It was an elegant and intuitive solution to a tricky problem, but also an irresistible headline that attracted newspapers, radio stations and television channels from around the world. And it also led many people to chance their luck – despite the researchers always pointing out that it was, statistically speaking, a very good way to lose money, as the winnings were in no way guaranteed to even cover the cost of the tickets.

Cushing says he has received numerous emails since the paper was released from people who cheerily announce that they have won tiny amounts, like two free lucky dips – essentially another free go on the lottery. “They were very happy to tell me how much they’d lost basically,” he says.

The pair did calculate that their method would have won them £1810 if they had played on one night during the writing of their research paper – 21 June. Both Cushing and Stewart had decided not to play the numbers themselves that night, but they have since found that a member of their research group “went rogue” and bought the right tickets – putting himself £1756 in profit.

“He said what convinced him to definitely put them on was that it was summer solstice. He said he had this feeling,” says Cushing, shaking his head as he speaks. “He’s a professional statistician. He is incredibly lucky with it; he claims he once found a lottery ticket in the street and it won £10.”

Cushing and Stewart say that while their winning colleague – who would prefer to remain nameless – has not even bought them lunch as a thank you for their efforts, he has continued to play the 27 lottery tickets. However, he now randomly permutes the tickets to alternative 27-ticket, guaranteed-win sets in case others have also been inspired by the set that was made public. Avoiding that set could avert a situation where a future jackpot win would be shared with dozens or even hundreds of mathematically-inclined players.

Stewart says there is no way to know how many people are doing the same because Camelot, which runs the lottery, doesn’t release that information. “If the jackpot comes up and it happens to match exactly one of the [set of] tickets and it gets split a thousand ways, that will be some indication,” he says.

Nonetheless, Cushing says that he no longer has any interest in playing the 27 tickets. “I came to the conclusion that whenever we were involved, they didn’t make any money, and then they made money when we decided not to put them on. That’s not very mathematical, but it seemed to be what was happening,” he says.

And Stewart is keen to stress that mathematics, no matter how neat a proof, can never make the UK lottery a wise investment. “If every single man, woman and child in the UK bought a separate ticket, we’d only have a quarter chance of someone winning the jackpot,” he says.

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*Credit for article given to Matthew Sparkes*

Mathematician Wins Turing Award For Harnessing Randomness

Avi Wigderson has won the 2023 Turing award for his work on understanding how randomness can shape and improve computer algorithms.

The mathematician Avi Wigderson has won the 2023 Turing award, often referred to as the Nobel prize for computing, for his work on understanding how randomness can shape and improve computer algorithms.

Wigderson, who also won the prestigious Abel prize in 2021 for his mathematical contributions to computer science, was taken aback by the award. “The [Turing] committee fooled me into believing that we were going to have some conversation about collaborating,” he says. “When I zoomed in, the whole committee was there and they told me. I was excited, surprised and happy.”

Computers work in a predictable way at the hardware level, but this can make it difficult for them to model real-world problems, which often have elements of randomness and unpredictability. Wigderson, at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, has shown over a decades-long career that computers can also harness randomness in the algorithms that they run.

In the 1980s, Wigderson and his colleagues discovered that by inserting randomness into some algorithms, they could make them easier and faster to solve, but it was unclear how general this technique was. “We were wondering whether this randomness is essential, or maybe you can always get rid of it somehow if you’re clever enough,” he says.

One of Wigderson’s most important discoveries was making clear the relationship between types of problems, in terms of their difficulty to solve, and randomness. He also showed that certain algorithms that contained randomness and were hard to run could be made deterministic, or non-random, and easier to run.

These findings helped computer scientists better understand one of the most famous unproven conjectures in computer science, called “P ≠ NP”, which proposes that easy and hard problems for a computer to solve are fundamentally different. Using randomness, Wigderson discovered special cases where the two classes of problem were the same.

Wigderson first started exploring the relationship between randomness and computers in the 1980s, before the internet existed, and was attracted to the ideas he worked on by intellectual curiosity, rather than how they might be used. “I’m a very impractical person,” he says. “I’m not really motivated by applications.”

However, his ideas have become important for a wide swath of modern computing applications, from cryptography to cloud computing. “Avi’s impact on the theory of computation in the last 40 years is second to none,” says Oded Goldreich at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. “The diversity of the areas to which he has contributed is stunning.”

One of the unexpected ways in which Wigderson’s ideas are now widely used was his work, with Goldreich and others, on zero-knowledge proofs, which detail ways of verifying information without revealing the information itself. These methods are fundamental for cryptocurrencies and blockchains today as a way to establish trust between different users.

Although great strides in the theory of computation have been made over Wigderson’s career, he says that the field is still full of interesting and unsolved problems. “You can’t imagine how happy I am that I am where I am, in the field that I’m in,” he says. “It’s bursting with intellectual questions.”

Wigderson will receive a $1 million prize as part of the Turing award.

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*Credit for article given to Alex Wilkins*

Why putting off college math can be a good idea

Putting off college math could improve the likelihood that students remain in college. But that may only be true as long as students don’t procrastinate more than one year. This is what colleagues and I found in a study published in 2023 of 1,119 students at a public university for whom no remedial coursework was required during their first year.

Enrolling in a math course during the first semester of college resulted in students being four times more likely to drop out. Although delayed enrollment in a math course had benefits in the first year, its advantages vanished by the end of the second year. In our study, almost 40% of students who postponed the course beyond a year did not attempt it at all and failed to obtain a degree within six years.

Why it matters

Nearly 1.7 million students who recently graduated from high school will immediately enroll in college. Math is a requirement for most degrees, but students aren’t always ready to do college-level math. By putting off college math for a year, it gives students time to adjust to college and prepare for more challenging coursework.

Approximately 40% of four-year college students must first take a remedial math course. This can extend the time it takes to graduate and increase the likelihood of dropping out. Our study did not apply to students who need remedial math.

For students who do not require remedial courses, some delay can be beneficial, but students’ past experiences in math can lead to avoidance of math courses. Many students experience math anxiety. Procrastination can be an avoidance strategy for managing fears about math. The fear of math for students may be a more significant barrier than their performance.

It is estimated that at least 17% of the population will likely experience high levels of math anxiety. Math anxiety can lead to a drop in math performance. It can also lead to avoiding majors and career paths involving math.

Our study fills the void in research on the effects of how soon students take college-level math courses. It also supports prior evidence that students benefit from a mix of coursework that is challenging yet not overwhelming as they transition to college.

What still isn’t known

We believe colleges need to better promote student confidence in math by examining how student success courses can reduce math anxiety. Student success courses provide students with study skills, note-taking skills, goal setting, time management and stress management, as well as career and financial decision making to support the transition to college. Although student success courses are a proven practice that help students stick with college, rarely do these courses address students’ fear of math.

Students are at the greatest risk of dropping out of college during their first year. Advisors play a crucial role in providing students with resources for success. This includes recommendations on what courses to take and when to take them. More research is also needed about how advisors can effectively communicate the impact of when math is taken by students.

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Credit of the article given to Forrest Lane, The Conversation

Mathematician Wins Abel Prize For Solving Equations With Geometry

Luis Caffarelli has been awarded the most prestigious prize in mathematics for his work on nonlinear partial differential equations, which have many applications in the real world.

Luis Caffarelli has won the 2023 Abel prize, unofficially called the Nobel prize for mathematics, for his work on a class of equations that describe many real-world physical systems, from melting ice to jet engines.

Caffarelli was having breakfast with his wife when he found out the news. “The breakfast was better all of a sudden,” he says. “My wife was happy, I was happy — it was an emotional moment.”

Based at the University of Texas at Austin, Caffarelli started work on partial differential equations (PDEs) in the late 1970s and has contributed to hundreds of papers since. He is known for making connections between seemingly distant mathematical concepts, such as how a theory describing the smallest possible areas that surfaces can occupy can be used to describe PDEs in extreme cases.

PDEs have been studied for hundreds of years and describe almost every sort of physical process, ranging from fluids to combustion engines to financial models. Caffarelli’s most important work concerned nonlinear PDEs, which describe complex relationships between several variables. These equations are more difficult to solve than other PDEs, and often produce solutions that don’t make sense in the physical world.

Caffarelli helped tackle these problems with regularity theory, which sets out how to deal with problematic solutions by borrowing ideas from geometry. His approach carefully elucidated the troublesome parts of the equations, solving a wide range of problems over his more than four-decade career.

“Forty years after these papers appeared, we have digested them and we know how to do some of these things more efficiently,” says Francesco Maggi at the University of Texas at Austin. “But when they appeared back in the day, in the 80s, these were alien mathematics.”

Many of the nonlinear PDEs that Caffarelli helped describe were so-called free boundary problems, which describe physical scenarios where two objects in contact share a changing surface, like ice melting into water or water seeping through a filter.

“He has used insights that combined ingenuity, and sometimes methods that are not ultra-complicated, but which are used in a manner that others could not see — and he has done that time and time again,” says Thomas Chen at the University of Texas at Austin.

These insights have also helped other researchers translate equations so that they can be solved on supercomputers. “He has been one of the most prominent people in bringing this theory to a point where it’s really useful for applications,” says Maggi.

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*Credit for article given to Alex Wilkins*


Losing Count: The Mathematical Magic of Counting Curves

How can you figure out which points lie on a certain curve? And how many possible curves do you count by a given number of points? These are the kinds of questions Pim Spelier of the Mathematical Institute studied during his Ph.D. research. Spelier received his doctorate with distinction on June 12.

What does counting curves mean on an average day? “A lot of sitting and gazing,” Spelier replies. “When I’m asked what exactly do, can’t always answer that easily. Usually give the example about the particle traveling through time.”

All possible curves

Imagine a particle moving through space and you follow the path the particle makes through time. That path is a curve, a geometric object. How many possible paths can the particle follow, if we assume certain properties? For example, a straight line can only pass through two points in one way. But how many paths are possible for the particle if we look at more difficult curves? And how do you study that?

By looking at all possible curves at the same time. For example, all possible directions from a given point form with each other a circle, and that is called a modulspace. And that circle is itself a geometric object.

The mathematical magic can happen because this set of all curves itself has geometrical properties, Spelier says, to which you can apply geometrical tricks. Next, you can make that far more complicated with even more complex curves and spaces. So not counting in three but, for example, in eleven dimensions.

Spelier tries to find patterns that always apply to the curves he studies. His approach? Breaking up complicated spaces into small, easy spaces. You can also break curves into partial curves. That way, the spaces in which you’re counting are easier. But the curves sometimes get complicated properties, because you have to be able to glue them back together.

Spelier says, “The goal is to find enough principles to determine the number of curves exactly.”

In addition to curves, Spelier also counted points on curves. He studied the question: how many solutions does a given mathematical equation have?

These are equations that are a bit more complicated than the a2 + b2 = c2 of the Pythagorean theorem. That equation is about the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. If you replace the squares with higher powers, it is more difficult to investigate solutions. Spelier studied solutions in whole numbers, for example, 32 + 42 = 52.

Meanwhile, there is a method to find those solutions. Professor of Mathematics Bas Edixhoven, who died in 2022, and his Ph.D. student Guido Lido developed an alternative approach to the same problem. But to what extent the two methods match and differ was still unclear. During his Ph.D. research, Spelier developed an algorithm to investigate this.

The first person with an answer

Developing that algorithm is necessary to implement the method. If you want to do it by hand, you get pages and pages of equations. Edixhoven’s method uses algebraic geometry. Through clever geometric tricks, you can calculate exactly the whole number points of a given curve. Spelier proved that the Edixhoven-Lido method is better than the old one.

David Holmes, professor of Pure Mathematics and supervisor of Spelier, praises the proof provided. “When you’re the first person to answer a question that everyone in our community wants an answer to, that’s very impressive. Pim proves that these two methods for finding rational points are similar, an issue that really kept mathematicians busy.”

Doing math together

The best part of his Ph.D.? The meetings with his supervisor. After the first year, it was more collaboration than supervision, both for Spelier and Holmes. Spelier says, “Doing math together is still more fun than doing it alone.”

Spelier starts in September as a postdoc in Utrecht and is apparently not yet done with counting. After counting points and curves, he will soon start counting surfaces.

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Credit of the article given to Leiden University.