Cutting cake (and eating it too) – the sticky maths of fair division

I work on the mathematics of sharing resources, which has led me to consider emotions such as envy, behaviour such as risk-taking and the best way to cut a cake.

Like, I suspect, many women, my wife enjoys eating dessert but not ordering it. I therefore dutifully order what I think she’ll like, cut it in half and invite her to choose a piece.

This is a sure-fire recipe for marital accord. Indeed, many mathematicians, economists, political scientists and others have studied this protocol and would agree. The protocol is known as the “cut-and-choose” procedure. I cut. You choose.


Cut-and-choose is not limited to the dining table – it dates back to antiquity. It appears nearly 3,000 years ago in Hesiod’s poem Theogeny where Prometheus divides a cow and Zeus selects the part he prefers.

In more recent times, cut-and-choose has been enshrined in the UN’s 1982 Convention of the Law of the Sea where it was proposed as a mechanism to resolve disputes when dividing the seabed for mining.

To study the division of cake, cows and the seabed in a more formal way, various mathematical models have been developed. As with all models, these need to make a number of simplifying assumptions.

One typical assumption is that the people employing the cut-and-choose method are risk-averse. They won’t adopt a risky strategy that may give them less cake than a more conservative strategy.

With such assumptions in place, we can then prove what properties cake cutting procedures have and don’t have. For instance, cut-and-choose is envy free.

You won’t envy the cake I have, otherwise you would have taken this piece. And I won’t envy the piece you have, as the only risk-averse strategy is for me to cut the cake into two parts that I value equally.

On the other hand, the cutting of the cake is not totally equitable since the player who chooses can get cake that has more than half the total value for them.

With two players, it’s hard to do better than cut-and-choose. But I should record that my wife argues with me about this.

She believes it favours the second player since the first player inevitably can’t divide the cake perfectly and the second player can capitalise on this. This is the sort of assumption ignored in our mathematical models.

My wife might prefer the moving-knife procedure which doesn’t favour either player. A knife is moved over the cake, and either player calls “cut” when they are happy with the slice.

Again, this will divide the cake in such a way that neither player will envy the other (else they would have called “cut” themselves).

Three’s a crowd

Unfortunately, moving beyond two players increases the complexity of cutting cake significantly.

With two players, we needed just one cut to get to an envy free state. With three players, a complex series of five cuts of the cake might be needed. Of course, only two cuts are needed to get three slices.

The other three cuts are needed to remove any envy. And with four players, the problem explodes in our face.

An infinite number of cuts may be required to get to a situation where no one envies another’s cake. I’m sure there’s some moral here about too many cake cutters spoiling the dessert.

There are many interesting extensions of the problem. One such extension is to indivisible goods.

Suppose you have a bag of toys to divide between two children. How do you divide them fairly? As a twin myself, I know that the best solution is to ensure you buy two of everything.

It’s much more difficult when your great aunt gives you one Zhu Zhu pet, one Bratz doll and three Silly Bandz bracelets to share.


More recently, I have been studying a version of the problem applicable to online settings. In such problems, not all players may be available all of the time. Consider, for instance, allocating time on a large telescope.

Astronomers will have different preferences for when to use the telescope depending on what objects are visible, the position of the sun, etcetera. How do we design a web-based reservation system so that astronomers can choose observation times that is fair to all?

We don’t want to insist all astronomers log in at the same time to decide an allocation. And we might have to start allocating time on the telescope now, before everyone has expressed their preferences. We can view this as a cake-cutting problem where the cake is made up of the time slots for observations.

The online nature of such cake-cutting problems poses some interesting new challenges.

How can we ensure that late-arriving players don’t envy cake already given to earlier players? The bad news is that we cannot now achieve even a simple property like envy freeness.

No procedure can guarantee situations where players don’t envy one another. But more relaxed properties are possible, such as not envying cake allocated whilst you are participating in the cutting of the cake.

Ham sandwich

There’s a brilliantly named piece of mathematics due to Arthur H. Stone and John Tukey. The Ham Sandwich Theorem which proves we can always cut a three-layered cake perfectly with a single cut.

Suppose we have three objects. Let’s call them “the top slice of bread”, “the ham filling” and “the bottom slice of bread”. Or if you prefer “the top layer” of the cake, “the middle layer” and “the bottom layer”.

The ham sandwich theorem proves a single slice can always perfectly bisect the three objects. Actually, the ham sandwich theorem works in any number of dimensions: any n objects in n-dimensional space can be simultaneously bisected by a single (n − 1) dimensional hyperplane.

So, in the case of the three-layered cake, n = 3, and the three-layered cake can be bisected (or cut) using a single, two-dimensional “hyperplane”. Such as, say, a knife.

Who would have thought that cutting cake would lead to higher dimensions of mathematics by way of a ham sandwich?

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Credit of the article given to Toby Walsh

Algebraic Elements Are Like Limit Points!

When you hear the word closure, what do you think of? I think of wholeness – you know, tying loose ends, wrapping things up, filling in the missing parts. This same idea is behind the mathematician’s notion of closure, as in the phrase “taking the closure” of a set. Intuitively this just means adding in any missing pieces so that the result is complete, whole. For instance, the circle on the left is open because it’s missing its boundary. But when we take its closure and include the boundary, we say the circle is closed.

As another example, consider the set of all real numbers strictly between 0 and 1, i.e. the open interval (0,1). Notice that we can get arbitrarily close to 0, but we can’t quite reach it. In some sense, we feel that 0 might as well be included in set, right? I mean, come on, 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is basically 0, right? So by not considering 0 as an element in our set, we feel like something’s missing. The same goes for 1.

We say an element is a limit point of a given set if that element is “close” to the set,* and we say the set’s closure is the set together with its limit points. (So 0 and 1 are both limit points of (0,1) and its closure is [0,1].) It turns out the word closure is also used in algebra, specifically the algebraic closure of a field, but there it has a completely different definition which has to do with roots of polynomials, called algebraic elementsNow why would mathematicians use the same word to describe two seemingly different things? The purpose of today’s post is to make the observation that they’re not so different after all! This may be somewhat obvious, but it wasn’t until after a recent conversation with a friend that I saw the connection:


‍algebraic elements of a field

are like

limit points of a sequence!

(Note: I’m not claiming any theorems here, this is just a student’s simple observation.)


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*Credit for article given to Tai-Danae Bradley*


Wire-Cut Forensic Examinations Currently Too Unreliable For Court, New Study Says

A research article published June 10 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights the importance of careful application of high-tech forensic science to avoid wrongful convictions.

In a study with implications for an array of forensic examinations that rely on “vast databases and efficient algorithms,” researchers found the odds of a false match significantly increase when examiners make millions of comparisons in a quest to match wires found at a crime scene with the tools allegedly used to cut them.

The rate of mistaken identifications could be as high as one in 10 or more, concluded the researchers, who are affiliated with the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE), based in Ames, Iowa.

“It is somewhat of a counterintuition,” said co-author Susan VanderPlas, an assistant professor of statistics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “You are more likely to find the right match—but you’re also more likely to find the wrong match.”

VanderPlas worked as a research professor at CSAFE before moving to Nebraska in 2020. Co-authors of the study, “Hidden Multiple Comparisons Increase Forensic Error Rates,” were Heike Hoffmann and Alicia Carriquiry, both affiliated with CSAFE and Iowa State University’s Department of Statistics.

Wire cuts and tool marks are used frequently as evidence in robberies, bombings, and other crimes. In the case of wire cuts, tiny striations on the cut ends of a wire may be matched to one of many available tools in a toolbox or garage. Comparing the evidence to more tools increases the chances that similar striations may be found on unrelated tools, resulting in a false accusation and conviction.

Wire-cutting evidence has been at issue in at least two cases that garnered national attention, including one where the accused was linked to a bombing based on a small piece of wire, a tiny fraction of an inch in diameter, that was matched to a tool found among the suspect’s belongings.

“Wire-cutting evidence is used in court and, based on our findings, it shouldn’t be—at least not without presenting additional information about how many comparisons were made,” VanderPlas said.

Wire cutting evidence is evaluated by comparing the striations found on the cut end of a piece of wire against the cutting blades of tools suspected to have been used in the crime. In a manual test, the examiner slides the end of the wire along the path created along another piece of material cut by the same tool to see where the pattern of striations match.

An automated process uses a comparison microscope and pattern-matching algorithms, to find possible matches pixel by pixel.

This can result in thousands upon thousands of individual comparisons, depending upon the length of the cutting blade, diameter of the wire, and even the number of tools checked.

For example, VanderPlas said she and her husband tallied the various tin snips, wire cutters, pliers and similar tools stored in their garage and came up with a total of 7 meters in blade length.

Examiners may not even be aware of the number of comparisons they are making as they search for a matching pattern, because those comparisons are hidden in the algorithms.

“This often-ignored issue increases the false discovery rate, and can contribute to the erosion of public trust in the justice system through conviction of innocent individuals,” the study authors wrote.

Forensic examiners typically testify based upon subjective rules about how much similarity is required to make an identification, the study explained. The researchers could not obtain error rate studies for wire-cut examinations and used published error rates for ballistics examinations to estimate possible false discovery rates for wire-cut examinations.

Before wire-cut examinations are used as evidence in court, the researchers recommended that:

  • Examiners report the overall length or area of materials used in the examination process, including blade length and wirediameter. This would enable examination-wide error rates to be calculated.
  • Studies be conducted to assess both false discovery and false elimination error rates when examiners are making difficult comparisons. Studies should link the length and area of comparison to error rates.
  • The number of items searched, comparisons made and results returned should be reported when a database is used at any stage of the forensic evidence evaluation process.

The VanderPlas article joins other reports calling for improvements in forensic science in America. The National Academies Press, publisher of the PNAS journal and other publications of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, also published the landmark 2009 report “Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward.”


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Credit of the article given to University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Students understand calculus better when the lessons are active

College students learn more calculus in an active learning course in which students solve problems during class than in a traditional lecture-based course. That’s according to a peer-reviewed study my colleagues and I published in science. We also found that college students better understood complex calculus concepts and earned better grades in the active learning course.

The findings held across racial and ethnic groups, genders and college majors, and for both first-time college and transfer students—thus, promoting success for all students. Students in the active learning course had an associated 11% higher pass rate.

If you apply that rate to the current 300,000students taking calculus each year in the U.S., it could mean an additional 33,000 pass their class.

Our experimental trial ran over three semesters—fall 2018 through fall 2019—and involved 811 undergraduate students at a public university that has been designated as a Hispanic-serving institution. The study evaluated the impact of an engagement-focused active learning calculus teaching method by randomly placing students into either a traditional lecture-based class or the active learning calculus class.

The active learning intervention promoted development of calculus understanding during class, with students working through exercises designed to build calculus knowledge and with faculty monitoring and guiding the process.

This differs from the lecture setting where students passively listen to the instructor and develop their understanding outside of class, often on their own.

An active learning approach allows students to work together to solve problems and explain ideas to each other. Active learning is about understanding the “why” behind a subject versus merely trying to memorize it.

Along the way, students experiment with their ideas, learn from their mistakes and ultimately make sense of calculus. In this way, they replicate the practices of mathematicians, including making and testing educated guesses, sense-making and explaining their reasoning to colleagues. Faculty are a critical part of the process. They guide the process through probing questions, demonstrating mathematical strategies, monitoring group progress and adapting pace and activities to foster student learning.

Florida International University made a short video to accompany a research paper on how active learning improves outcomes for calculus students.

Why it matters

Calculus is a foundational discipline for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as it provides the skills for designing systems as well as for studying and predicting change.

But historically it’s been a barrier that has ended the opportunity for many students to achieve their goal of a STEM career. Only 40% of undergraduate students intending to earn a STEM degree complete their degree, and calculus plays a role in that loss. The reasons vary depending on the student. Failing calculus can be a final straw for some.

And it is particularly concerning for historically underrepresented groups. The odds of female students leaving a STEM major after calculus is 1.5 times higher than it is for men. And Hispanic and Black students have a 50% higher failure rate than white students in calculus. These losses deprive the individual students of STEM aspirations, career dreams and financial security. And it deprives society of their potentially innovative contributions to solving challenging problems, such as climate resilience, energy independence, infrastructure and more.

What still isn’t known

A vexing challenge in calculus instruction—and across the STEM disciplines—is broad adoption of active learning strategies that work. We started this research to provide compelling evidence to show that this model works and to drive further change. The next step is addressing the barriers, including lack of time, questions about effectiveness and institutional policies that don’t provide an incentive for faculty to bring active learning to their classrooms.

A crucial next step is improving the evidence-based instructional change strategies that will promote adoption of active learning instruction in the classroom.

What’s next

Our latest results are motivating our team to further delve into the underlying instructional strategies that drive student understanding in calculus. We’re also looking for opportunities to replicate the experiment at a variety of institutions, including high schools, which will provide more insight into how to expand adoption across the nation.

We hope that this paper increases the rate of change of all faculty adopting active learning in their classrooms.

For more such insights, log into our website

Credit of the article given to Laird Kramer, The Conversation

Study describes evolution of double-sided social norms for cooperative interactions

In addition to describing biological interactions, evolutionary theory has also become a valuable tool to make sense of the dynamics of social norms. Social norms determine which behaviours should be regarded as positive, and how community members should act towards each other.

In a recent publication, published in PLOS Computational Biology, researchers from RIKEN, Japan, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology (MPI) describe a new class of social norms for cooperative interactions.

Social norms play an important role in people’s everyday lives. They govern how people should behave and how reputations are formed based on past behaviours.

In the last 25 years, there has been an effort to describe these dynamics of reputations more formally, using mathematical models borrowed from evolutionary game theory. These models describe how social norms evolve over time—how successful norms can spread in a society and how detrimental norms fade.

Most of these models assume that an individual’s reputation should only depend on what this person did in the past. However, everyday experience and experimental evidence suggest that additional external factors may as well influence a person’s reputation. People do not only earn a reputation for how they act, but also based on who they interact with, and how they are affected by those interactions.

For example, with a recent series of experiments, researchers from Harvard University have shown that victims of harmful actions are often regarded as more virtuous than they actually are. To explore such phenomena more formally, researchers at the MPI for Evolutionary Biology in Plön and RIKEN, Japan, have developed a new mathematical framework to describe social norms.

According to the new framework, when a person’s action affects the well-being of another community member, the reputations of both individuals may be updated. Using this general framework, the researchers explore which properties such norms ought have to support cooperative interactions. Surprisingly, some of these social norms indeed have the property observed in the earlier experiments: when one individual defects against another, the victim’s reputation should improve.

Moreover, the researchers also observe a fundamental trade-off. Norms that are particularly good in sustaining cooperation tend to be less robust with respect to noise (such as when reputations are shaped by third-party gossip).

Overall, this work is part of a bigger effort to understand key properties of social norms in a rigorous manner. These studies shed light on which ecological and social environments facilitate cooperation, and on the effects of social norms more generally.

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Credit of the article given to Max Planck Society

Getting Projections Right: Predicting Future Climate

Region by region projections of how climate is likely to change over the coming decades help to make the prospect of global warming more tangible and relevant.

Picturing the climate we are likely to have with unabated increases in greenhouse gas concentrations in, say, Melbourne, Sydney, or the Murray Darling, lets us weigh up the costs and benefits of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Regional projections also let us plan how to adapt to any unavoidable changes in our climate. Planning changes to farming practices, water supply or natural ecosystem management, for example, requires some idea of what our future regional climate is likely to be.

Here in Australia we have had a long history of national climate change projections. Since 1990, CSIRO has released five updates of projected changes in temperature, rainfall, extreme events and many other key aspects of our climate system.

CSIRO’s last release was done with the Bureau of Meteorology in 2007. It provided the most detailed product available up to that time.

This release included the innovation (a world first amongst national projections at the time) of providing probabilities for the projected changes.

Why modelling?

The complexity of the climate system means that we cannot simply extrapolate past trends to forecast future conditions. Instead, we use climate models developed and utilised extensively over recent decades.

These are mathematical representations of the climate systems based on the laws of physics.

Results from all of the climate modelling centres around the world are considered in preparing Australian projections. We place greatest weight on the models that are best in representing our historical climate.

Global climate modelling has continued to develop over recent years. Most of the modelling centres are now running improved versions of their models compared to what was available in 2007.

As part of an international coordinated effort, a new database of the latest climate model output is being assembled for researchers to use ahead of the next report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is many times richer than any previously available.

Analysing this massive resource will be a focus of research of a large number of scientists in CSIRO, BoM and the universities over the next few years.

Putting the models to good use

While the science has been developing, so have the demands of users of this projection information. Policymakers at all levels of government, natural resource planners, industry, non-government organisations and individuals all are placing demands on climate projection science. These are growing in volume and complexity.

For example, researchers want regionally specific scenarios for changes in the frequency of hot days, extreme rainfall, fire, drought, cyclones, hail, evaporation, sunshine, coral bleaching temperatures, ocean acidification and sea level rise.

This type of information is particularly useful for risk assessments that can inform policy development and implementation.

For example, assessing future climate risks to infrastructure can place quite different demands on climate projection science compared to, say, assessing risks to agricultural enterprises.

Given these developments, the time is coming for the Australian climate research community to update and expand their projections. Planning has begun for a release in 2014. This will be just after the completion of the next IPCC assessment.

At that time, Australians will have the latest climate projections for the 21st century for a range of factors, including sea levels, seasonal-average temperatures and rainfall, as well as extreme weather events.

Resources permitting, these new projections will also include online services which will enable users to generate climate scenarios to suit the specific needs of many risk assessments.

Finding out more about summer rainfall

As climate scientists start to analyse these new model data, a major focus of attention will be simulated changes to summer rainfall over Australia.

Models have consistently indicated a drying trend for the winter rainfall regions in southern Australia and this is a result which also aligns with other evidence such as observed trends.

On the other hand, models give inconsistent projections for summer rainfall change, ranging from large increase to large decrease. Researchers will be hoping to reduce this key uncertainty as they begin to analyse the results.

However, when it comes to projecting our future climate, there will always be some uncertainty to deal with.

Dealing with uncertainty

Climate projection scientists have to clearly convey the uncertainties while not letting these overwhelm the robust findings about regional climate change that the science provides.

Climate projection uncertainties can be presented in many different ways, such as through ranges of plausible change, as probabilistic estimates, or as alternative scenarios.

We shouldn’t necessarily be most interested in the most likely future. In some cases, it may be more prudent to plan for less likely, but higher risk, future climates.

It can be difficult to make a complex message as relevant as possible to a wide range of decision-makers. CSIRO climate scientists are tackling this by working with social scientists to help develop new and more effective communication methods. These should be ready in time for the next projections release.

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*Credit for article given to Penny Whetton*

Malawi’s school kids are using tablets to improve their reading and math skills

Malawi introduced free primary education in 1994. This has significantly improved access to schooling. However, the country—which is one of the poorest in the world—still faces a high learning poverty rate of 87%. Learning poverty is a measure of a child’s inability to meet minimum proficiency in reading, numeracy and other skills at the primary school level. Malawi’s rate means that 87% of children in standard 4, at age 10, are unable to read. Only 19% of children aged between 7 and 14 have foundational reading skills and 13% have foundational numeracy skills. This leads to social and financial dependency. It also limits the extent to which individuals can actively participate in society. Children become especially vulnerable to pernicious social issues such as forced marriage, female genital mutilation, and child labor.

The primary education sector also has many challenges. These include overcrowded classrooms, limited learning materials, and a shortage of trained teachers.

There is a pressing need for innovative, transformative approaches to providing foundational education to meet the goals envisioned in Malawi 2063, the country’s long-term national plan. To accomplish this, the government of Malawi is using scientific evidence to enable meaningful and effective learning happen at scale.

This evidence has been generated in parallel by researchers from the University of Nottingham in the UK and the NGO Imagine Worldwide in the US and Africa. We have been testing the efficacy of an interactive educational technology (EdTech) developed by UK-based non-profit onebillion to raise foundational education by different groups of learners in Malawi.

The EdTech delivers personalized, adaptive software that enables each child to learn reading, writing and numeracy at the right level. Children work on tablets through a carefully structured course made up of thousands of engaging activities, games and stories. Over the past 11 years, we have built a complementary and robust evidence base focusing on different aspects of the software and program.

In 2013, I conducted the first pupil-level randomized control trial at a state primary school in Malawi’s capital city, Lilongwe. Randomized controlled trials are prospective studies that measure the effectiveness of a new intervention compared to standard practice. They are considered the gold standard in effectiveness research. We wanted to test whether the EdTech could raise young children’s numeracy skills. The study showed that after eight weeks of using the EdTech for 30 minutes a day, learners in grades 1–3 (aged 6 to 9) made significant improvements in basic numeracy compared to standard classroom practice. Teachers were also able to put the EdTech to use with ease.

Now, after many studies, Malawi’s government, in collaboration with Imagine Worldwide, is embedding the EdTech program in all state primary schools nationwide. This will serve 3.8 million children per year in grades 1–4 across all 6,000 state primary schools in Malawi.

Rigorous testing

After our initial 2013 study, we kept testing the EdTech through rigorous studies. Oneshowed that the EdTech program significantly raised foundational numeracy and literacy skills of early grade learners. Our results showed similar learning gains for girls and boys with the EdTech. This equalizes foundational education across gender.

Another study showed that children with special educational needs and disabilities could interact and learn with the EdTech, albeit at a slower pace than mainstream peers.

The EdTech wasn’t just tested in Malawi. We wanted to see if it could address learning poverty in different contexts, thus equalizing all children’s opportunities, no matter where they live.

Research in the UK demonstrated that the same EdTech raised the basic numeracy skills of children in the early years of primary schools compared to standard classroom instruction. It was also found to support numeracy acquisition by developmentally young children, including those with Down syndrome.

It was also shown to be effective in a bilingual setting. Brazilian children’s basic numeracy skills improved compared to standard practice after instruction with the EdTech delivered in either English, their language of instruction, or their home language, Brazilian-Portuguese.

Alongside the research from the University of Nottingham, Imagine Worldwide undertook a series of studies in Malawi and other countries to investigate how this EdTech could raise foundational skills over longer periods of time and in different languages and contexts, including refugee camps.

Imagine Worldwide conducted six randomized control trials, including two of the longest over eight months and two years. They showed robust learning gains in literacy and numeracy. They also found that children’s excitement about school, their attendance, and their confidence as learners improved.

The EdTech program also mitigated against learning loss during school closures. During Imagine’s 2-year randomized control trial in Malawi, program delivery was interrupted for seven months by COVID-related closures. Yet, results showed that children who had participated in the EdTech program prior to schools closing returned to school with higher achievement levels than their peers who had received standard instruction only.

Applying the evidence to policy

Malawi’s government was pleased with the early results and the program was expanded to about 150 schools, with the help of UK non-profit Voluntary Service Overseas. A national steering committee was established by Malawi’s government to monitor the program and review additional emerging research. In 2022 the Education Ministry formally launched the program through which the EdTech will be rolled out; it was introduced in 500 new schools at the start of the 2023/2024 school year, in September 2023.

To achieve the promise of the early research, ongoing implementation research and monitoring is helping to ensure program quality and impacts are sustained as it rolls out nationwide.

Strong evidence

Basic literacy and numeracy are the keys to unlocking a child’s potential—improving their health, wealth and social outcomes. Our combined research has shown that child-directed EdTech can deliver high-quality education for millions of marginalized children worldwide. The evidence is strong, diverse and replicable. Now governments need to follow the lead of Malawi to abolish learning poverty and make foundational education a reality for all children, everywhere.

For more such insights, log into our website

Credit of the article given to Nicola Pitchford and Dr. Karen Levesque, The Conversation


Hermit ‘scribblings’ of eccentric French math genius unveiled

Tens of thousands of handwritten pages by one of the 20th century’s greatest mathematicians, Alexander Grothendieck, many of which the eccentric genius penned while living as a hermit, were unveiled in France on Friday.

The unpublished manuscripts, which veer from math to metaphysics, autobiography and even long musings on Satan, offer a unique insight into the enigmatic mind of the French mathematician, according to experts at the Paris library where they were donated.

Grothendieck, who died aged 86 in 2014, is considered by some to have revolutionized the field of mathematics in the way that Einstein did for physics. His work on algebraic geometry earned him the 1966 Fields Medal, known as the Nobel prize of the math world.

At that time Grothendieck was already a radical environmentalist and pacifist. But he withdrew from the world almost entirely in the early 1990s, in part to focus on what he referred to as his “scribblings”.

While living as a hermit in the southern French village of Lasserre he frantically wrote “Reflections on Life and the Cosmos,” one of the two main works added to the collection of the National Library of France (BnF) on Friday.

The massive tome includes 30,000 pages across 41 different volumes covering science, philosophy and psychology—all densely scribbled with a fountain pen.

The second work, “The Key to Dreams or Dialogue with the Good Lord,” is a typed manuscript in which he explores the interpretation of dreams.

These pages, which have previously circulated online, were written between 1987-1988.

‘Completely cut ties’

At that time, Grothendieck remained a professor at the University of Montpellier but had largely withdrawn from the mathematical community.

He became a recluse when he moved to Lasserre.

“He completely cut ties with his family, we could no longer communicate with him,” his daughter Johanna Grothendieck told AFP.

“When we sent him a letter, it was returned to sender,” said Johanna, a 64-year-old ceramic artist who traveled from southwest France to attend the ceremony at the library.

“Writing was his main activity,” she added.

Towards the end of Grothendieck’s life, a neighbour told his family that his health was deteriorating.

Johanna and one of her brothers were finally able to visit their father. It was than that they discovered “Reflections on Life and the Cosmos,” which was meticulously catalogued in his library.

In his 1997 will, Grothendieck left the early sections of the tome to the BnF. Now his children have donated the rest.

“It was an extremely important work in his eyes. He even wanted to create a foundation to look after it,” Johanna Grothendieck said.

‘Ghosts of his past’

Jocelyn Monchamp, a curator an the BnF, said the manuscripts were unique because they covered so many subjects at the same time yet formed a whole with “undeniable literary qualities”.

This is particularly the case for the autobiographical volume “Harvest and Sowing”, which depicts the author “in a metaphysical retreat,” she said.

Monchamp has spent a month poring over the writing, trying to decipher the dense fountain pen text.

“I became used to it,” she said, adding that at least Grothendieck methodically wrote the numbers and dates on all the pages.

In one of the sections, “Structures of the Psyche,” enigmatic diagrams translate psychology into the language of algebra.

In another, “The Problem of Evil,” Grothendieck muses over 15,000 pages on metaphysics and Satan.

One gets the feeling of a man “overtaken by the ghosts of his past,” Johanna Grothendieck said.

The mathematician’s father fled Germany during World War II, only to be handed by the Vichy France government to the Nazis and die at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Experts expect it will take some time to fully understand Grothendieck’s writing. On Friday, the collection joined the manuscript department of the BnF, where it will only be accessible to researchers.

During the donation ceremony, one of the volumes was placed in a glass case next to a manuscript by ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, considered the father of geometry.

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Credit of the article given to Juliette Collen


Revamped calculus course improves learning, study finds

Calculus is the study of change. Calculus teaching methods, however, have changed little in recent decades. Now, FIU research shows a new model could improve calculus instruction nationwide.

A study published in Science shows a reimagined, innovative active learning approach to calculus instruction benefits all students. The model, developed at FIU, focuses on mastering different ways of thinking and solving problems—skills that are important beyond the classroom.

Rote memorization and large lecture halls have been replaced by active learning classrooms where students work collaboratively to solve problems. The result is greater learning outcomes and an understanding of calculus concepts, as well as better grades than their peers in traditional, lecture-based classes, according to the research.

“This large-scale study shows us what we’ve been seeing at FIU: If you put students in an interactive, active learning environment, they can and do learn significantly more, developing the ‘habits of mind’ they’ll use for a long time and throughout their careers,” said Laird Kramer, the study’s lead author and founding director of FIU’s STEM Transformation Institute.

Kramer and a team from the STEM Transformation Institute followed 811 FIU undergraduates enrolled in different sections of the same Calculus I course with two very different teaching methods—half of the sections were traditional lecture-based classes and the other half employed the evidence-based active learning model developed at FIU.

To see which group retained more information and better understood calculus concepts, the students were tested at the end of the course. Active learning classes had a higher average pass rate of 11%. Apply that to the roughly 300,000 students taking calculus each year in the U.S. and it could mean an additional 33,000 students passing calculus and getting closer to a STEM degree and career.

The active learning group’s learning gains cut across majors and academic paths and included underrepresented groups in STEM. This finding is significant since less than half of students entering universities as STEM majors actually graduate with a STEM degree. Failing calculus is a major reason.

“Calculus remains a critical step on the pathway to numerous STEM careers in engineering and the sciences,” said Michael J. Ferrara, Program Director at NSF Directorate of STEM Education. “This study makes a rigorous and compelling argument that active, student-centered calculus courses result in significantly greater learning and success outcomes when compared to more traditional approaches.

“These benefits are particularly profound for students from populations that have traditionally been underrepresented in the STEM workforce, which underscores how a more modern approach to teaching mathematics is critical as we look to nurture the full spectrum of STEM talent across the nation.”

Improving teaching methods in calculus means students are more likely to stay on track and stick with a STEM program. That, in turn, helps graduate more STEM professionals.

“Student success is FIU’s priority, as demonstrated by the development and successful implementation of active learning strategies in our calculus courses,” FIU Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth M. Béjar said. “This research builds on years of studying the positive impacts of active learning in the classroom to ensure students have the knowledge and skills they need to move through their STEM courses with confidence.”

FIU has led collaborative initiatives through its nationally recognized STEM Transformation Institute to improve learning. Research has informed the development and introduction of innovative instructional strategies for calculus, mathematics and other sciences and engineering. That’s led to significant increases in four-year graduation rates for STEM majors at FIU.

FIU’s active learning model is just as challenging and rigorous as a traditional lecture style, but more effective for the often incredibly complex process of learning and provides opportunities for different parts of the brain to engage and store information. Students learn by doing. Class time is collaboration time. In small groups, students work face-to-face developing and testing hypotheses. The goal is to learn to ask the right questions and look at problems in new ways—meaning, they think and act like mathematicians, engineers, scientists, doctors.

“This research began as an experiment to see if we could identify new ways of teaching coursework and give students an alternative way of learning the rigorous content in calculus,” said Mike Heithaus, executive dean of the College of Arts, Sciences & Education. “Based on prior research, we felt confident the active learning method would be effective. But even we were surprised at how much better students did in the active learning sections versus the traditional. As soon as we got these results, we began implementing these methods throughout our entire math curriculum.”

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Credit of the article given to Angela Nicoletti, Florida International University

Children’s positive attitude toward mathematics fades during the early school years, finds study

Children’s interest in, and competence perceptions of, mathematics are generally quite positive as they begin school, but turn less positive during the first three years. Changes in interest and self-concept are also associated with each other. In other words, if a child’s interest fades, so does their competence perception, and vice versa.

This is shown by a recent study from Finland published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology that explores the development of children’s motivation for mathematics during the early school years and how that development is associated with their mathematics competence. The researchers followed nearly 300 children for three years.

“A significant observation was that both school beginners’ higher initial motivation, and less decline in motivation during the follow-up, predicted better competence in the third grade, after accounting for initial differences in competence,” says Professor Markku Niemivirta of the University of Eastern Finland.

There were no gender differences in school beginners’ motivation and competence, but at the end of the follow-up, girls’ motivation had, on average, declined more than that of boys.

Gendered development is starting to show

The study shows that children are able to assess their motivation for mathematics rather accurately already when beginning school. In addition, children’s assessments of their interest and competence are already differentiated, despite being closely related.

“It is only natural that children are more interested in things they feel good at. And vice versa, they may do better in something they’re interested in.”

On average however, school beginners’ positive motivation starts to decline during the early school years, and the scale of this decline is associated with later differences in competence. Although there are no gender differences in competence, girls’ more negative change in motivation on average reflects an unfortunate gendered development, the traces of which remain visible until much later.

Practices for maintaining interest and having experiences of success

Although the negative change observed in the study may partly reflect children’s more realistic self-assessment over time, the researchers suspect that a role is also played by mathematics gradually getting more difficult, and an emphasis being placed on performance.

“The observed association between a change in motivation and competence shows, however, the added value of positive interest and self-concept. It would be important to develop and apply teaching practices that support and maintain children’s interest in mathematics and strengthen their experiences of success,” Niemivirta says.

In the three-year study conducted by the Motivation, Learning and Well-being research collective, MoLeWe, children assessed their interest in, and competence perceptions of, mathematics annually. Mathematics competence was assessed by tests and teacher evaluations.

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Credit of the article to be given University of Eastern Finland