Study breaks down science of sports betting

It’s a dilemma that many a regular bettor probably faces often—deciding when to place a sports bet. In a study entitled, “A statistical theory of optimal decision-making in sports betting,” Jacek Dmochowski, Associate Professor in the Grove School of Engineering at The City College of New York, provides the answer. His original finding appears in the journal PLOS One.

“The central finding of the work is that the objective in sports betting is to estimate the median outcome. Importantly, this is not the same as the average outcome,” said Dmochowski, whose expertise includes machine learning, signal processing and brain-computer interfaces. “I approach this from a statistical point-of-view, but also provide some intuitive results with sample data from the NFL that can be digested by those without a background in math.”

To illustrate one of the findings, he presents a hypothetical example. “Assume that Kansas City has played Philadelphia three times previously. Kansas City has won each of those games by margins of 3, 7, and 35 points. They are playing again, and the point spread has been posted as ‘Kansas City -10.’ This means that Kansas City is favoured to win the game by 10 points according to the sportsbooks.”

For a bettor, Dmochowski added, the optimal decision in this scenario is to bet on Philadelphia (+10), even though they have lost the last three games by an average margin of 15 points. The reason is that the median margin of victory in those games was only 7, which is less than the point spread of 10.

He noted that because a bettor’s intuition may sometimes be more linked to an average outcome rather than the median, the utilization of some data, or even better, a model, is strongly encouraged.

On his new findings, Dmochowski said he was surprised that the derived theorems have not been previously presented, although it is possible that sports books and some statistically-minded bettors have understood at least the basic intuitions that are conveyed by the math.

Moreover, other investigators have reported findings that align with what’s in the paper, principally Fabian Wunderlich and Daniel Memmert at the German Sports University of Cologne.

With a Pew Research poll establishing that one in five Americans have placed a sports bet in the last year, Dmochowski’s study should be of interest to many bettors in this growing enterprise.

He had other advice for potential bettors. Firstly, “Avoid betting on matches for which the sports book has produced estimates that are ‘very close’ to the median outcome. In the case of the National Football League, the analysis shows that ‘very close’ is equivalent to the point spread being within one point of the true median.”

“Secondly, understand that the sports books are incredibly skilled at setting the odds. At the same time, they only need to make a small error to allow a profitable bet. So the goal is to seek out those opportunities.”

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Credit of the article given to Jay Mwamba, City College of New York


New Mathematical Proof Helps to Solve Equations with Random Components

Whether it’s physical phenomena, share prices or climate models—many dynamic processes in our world can be described mathematically with the aid of partial differential equations. Thanks to stochastics—an area of mathematics which deals with probabilities—this is even possible when randomness plays a role in these processes.

Something researchers have been working on for some decades now are so-called stochastic partial differential equations. Working together with other researchers, Dr. Markus Tempelmayr at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster at the University of Münster has found a method which helps to solve a certain class of such equations.

The results have been published in the journal Inventiones mathematicae.

The basis for their work is a theory by Prof. Martin Hairer, recipient of the Fields Medal, developed in 2014 with international colleagues. It is seen as a great breakthrough in the research field of singular stochastic partial differential equations. “Up to then,” Tempelmayr explains, “it was something of a mystery how to solve these equations. The new theory has provided a complete ‘toolbox,’ so to speak, on how such equations can be tackled.”

The problem, Tempelmayr continues, is that the theory is relatively complex, with the result that applying the ‘toolbox’ and adapting it to other situations is sometimes difficult.

“So, in our work, we looked at aspects of the ‘toolbox’ from a different perspective and found and proved a method which can be used more easily and flexibly.”

The study, in which Tempelmayr was involved as a doctoral student under Prof. Felix Otto at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, published in 2021 as a pre-print. Since then, several research groups have successfully applied this alternative approach in their research work.

Stochastic partial differential equations can be used to model a wide range of dynamic processes, for example, the surface growth of bacteria, the evolution of thin liquid films, or interacting particle models in magnetism. However, these concrete areas of application play no role in basic research in mathematics as, irrespective of them, it is always the same class of equations which is involved.

The mathematicians are concentrating on solving the equations in spite of the stochastic terms and the resulting challenges such as overlapping frequencies which lead to resonances.

Various techniques are used for this purpose. In Hairer’s theory, methods are used which result in illustrative tree diagrams. “Here, tools are applied from the fields of stochastic analysis, algebra and combinatorics,” explains Tempelmayr. He and his colleagues selected, rather, an analytical approach. What interests them in particular is the question of how the solution of the equation changes if the underlying stochastic process is changed slightly.

The approach they took was not to tackle the solution of complicated stochastic partial differential equations directly, but, instead, to solve many different simpler equations and prove certain statements about them.

“The solutions of the simple equations can then be combined—simply added up, so to speak—to arrive at a solution for the complicated equation which we’re actually interested in.” This knowledge is something which is used by other research groups who themselves work with other methods.

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Credit of the article given to Kathrin Kottke, University of Münster

Explicit modelling of reasoning and processes behind actions

In teaching mathematics, the challenge often lies in making abstract concepts and problem-solving strategies explicit to students. Students often struggle to grasp the underlying reasoning and processes that drive mathematics. Explicit Teaching in Mathsprovides strategies for the teacher which help them to design and present instruction and learning to students in a meaningful way.

Teacher modelling is a way we can intentionally make clear the reasoning and processes behind mathematical ideas and concepts. Listen to our podcast, Explicit modelling of reasoning and processes behind actions , for more, where Allan Dougan (AAMT) and Dr Kristen Trippet (Australian Academy of Science) discuss how we model the reasoning and processes behind actions.

This article answers the questions:

  • What do we mean by modelling in maths?
  • How do we model the reasoning and processes behind actions in maths?
  • How do we make the most of modelling in classroom teaching?

What is Teacher modelling in mathematics?

Mathematics is a subject where concepts can easily remain invisible to students. Teacher modelling allows teachers to showcase and explain the reasoning and processes behind mathematical concepts and practices. It often involves breaking down complex problems, strategies and skills into manageable steps that students can understand and replicate.

Teacher modelling is about thinking aloud and making visible those practices that are often concealed within a mathematician’s mind.


What is mathematical reasoning?

According to the Australian Curriculum V9.0: Understand this learning area , students are reasoning mathematically when they can:

  • explain their thinking
  • deduce and justify strategies used and conclusions reached
  • adapt the known to the unknown
  • transfer learning from one context to another
  • prove that something is true or false.

Explicit modelling is a powerful tool for developing students’ mathematical reasoning abilities. Model mathematical reasoning by analysing, generalising and justifying mathematical situations. By thinking aloud, teachers can model this process effectively.

Start by analysing a problem: 7+8, I can do that with 5+2+8!

Then generalise the approach: It doesn’t matter what order I add these numbers up in, I will get the same result.

Justify the learning: I can use this approach to solve other problems too.

Using mathematical reasoning helps build patterns of thinking and mathematical fluency.

Beyond worked examples

Worked examples are the prime example of modelling and mathematical reasoning in action, but they are just the tip of the iceberg. While they provide a helpful starting point for students, relying solely on worked examples will not lead to a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts.

Fade in/Fade out

The idea of Fade in/Fade out support refers to when and why support is provided. This concept is useful when thinking about modelling.

Teachers will often start a lesson with a worked example and then fade out their modelling while students proceed with their learning. This approach doesn’t allow for the flexibility and responsiveness required for the most effective modelling. Modelling should not be a one-time occurrence. Instead, it should be scaffolded throughout a lesson. Build your modelling up through your lesson and fade in with instruction and modelling as students need it.

What does explicit modelling and mathematical reasoning look like?

Let’s unpack it with an example.

Example 1:

Problem: A student is asked to solve the equation 7+8 and to explain how they did it.

Student: I added 2 to 8, which made 10, and then added 5.

This strategy is called ‘bridging to 10’ and involves children using their knowledge of addition up to 10 as a base to then work out sums with totals over 10. A modelled response to this student’s work might look like this:

Teacher: Hang on a second, you said you added 2 to the 8, let’s take a look at that. So, 7+8 is the same as 5+2+8, where did the 7 go in that? Oh yes! (5+2)+8 also equals 15! What happens if we change the order of the numbers?

Student: 8+5+2, that also equals 15.

In this example, the student has modelled their own mathematical awareness, and this has then been extended with the teacher modelling both equivalence and the associative property in the working out of the problem.

Planning for modelling

Modelling is most effective when it is intentional and focused. Before teaching a lesson, ask yourself:

  • What is the mathematical concept I want students to understand?
  • What is the important mathematical skill I want them to see?
  • What are the most effective ways I can model these strategies to students?
  • How can I be responsive in my modelling (for example, fading in)?

There is so much more to maths than just getting the right answer! Explicit modelling is a powerful tool for making mathematical concepts and practices accessible to students. By incorporating modelling, educators empower students to not only find the right answers, but also to develop their mathematical reasoning skills, as well as their understanding of the underlying processes and strategies that mathematics is built upon. Modelling helps students to develop their thinking and come up with efficient strategies for tackling unknown mathematical problems. And this is the work of a true mathematician!

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Credit of the article given to The Mathematics Hub

Metaphors and Mathematics 4

If mathematics is a game, then playing some game is doing mathematics, and in that case why isn’t dancing mathematics too?

Ludwig Wittgenstein – Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics

Mathematics is often described metaphorically – the  forms that these metaphors take include the organic, mechanical, classical, and post-modern, among countless others. Within these metaphors, mathematics may be a tool, or set of tools, a tree, part of a tree, a vine, a game, or set of games, and mathematicians in turn may be machines, game-players, artists, inventors, or explorers.

Despite the many metaphors used to describe mathematics, in popular discourse mathematics is often reduced to one of its parts, being metonymically described as merely about numbers, formulas, or some other limited aspect. Metaphor is a more complete substitution of ideas than metonymy – allowing us to link concepts that do not appear to have any direct relationship. Perhaps, metaphoric language that elevates and expands our ideas about mathematics is used by enthusiasts to counter the more limited and diminishing metonymic descriptions that are often encountered.

Attempts to describe and elevate mathematics through metaphor seem to fall short, however. Our usual way of thinking about things is to inquire about their meaning – a meaning that is assumed to lie beneath or beyond mere appearances. Metaphor generally relies on making connections between concepts on this deeper level. The sheer formalism of mathematics frustrates this usual way of thinking, and leaves us grasping for a meaning that is constantly evasive. The sheer number and variety of the  many metaphors for mathematics suggests that no single convincing one has yet been found. It may be that the repeated attempts to find such a unifying metaphor represents an ongoing and forever failing attempt to grapple with the purely formal character of mathematics; and it may be that the formal nature of mathematics will always shake off any metaphor that attempts to tie it down.


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*Credit for article given to dan.mackinnon*


Metaphors and Mathematics 3

In many traditions, Biedermann’s Dictionary of Symbols tells us, “the tree was widely seen as the axis mundi around which the cosmos is organized” and, as mentioned in a previous post, has been widely used to describe the relationship between mathematics and other sciences. Mathematics itself, like many subjects, is often portrayed as a tree whose sub-topics make up branches that continue to grow and bifurcate.

Some recent articles have take a more postmodern perspective on using the tree metaphor to describe mathematics.

Dan Kennedy ‘s “Climbing around on the Tree of Mathematics,” (full text here) and Greg McColm’s “A Metaphor for Mathematics Education” are two recent articles that make arguments by analogy about what mathematics is and how it should be taught. In Kennedy’s argument, mathematics is a tree, while in McColm’s it is a vine – both are organic, growing, and branching. What distinguishes these two uses of metaphor from traditional tree analogies is that both authors are not at all suggesting that we can stand back and survey the structure as a whole and understand how all its parts are related. The ability to provide a comprehensive view of the subject, to make it surveyable, was the raison-d’être of metaphors like the “Tree of Science.” Instead of using the metaphor this way, both authors suggest that we think of ourselves as part of the growing structure – as climbers and gardeners who cannot see the complex organic whole, but who can explore and tend to our small part of it. In these descriptions, natural forms like trees and plants, once metaphors for simplicity and comprehensibility, now provide metaphors for complexity.

Up in the Tree of Mathematics, Kennedy suggests that working mathematicians are labouring at extending its outer branches. This is where the view is best, where the fruit is found, and where the beauty of mathematics can be seen most clearly. School Mathematics is part of the trunk, the solid, oldest, stable part of the tree, and math teachers spend their time helping students climb the trunk, hoping that some may one day reach its outer branches. Unfortunately, the difficulty of the trunk prevents most people from ever climbing beyond it. Kennedy suggests that we should be less concerned with the trunk than with the branches, and that technology can provide a ladder to assist the climb.

McColm’s Mathematical Vine is not mathematics itself, but a structure that clings to the underlying reality of mathematical truth. Mathematics, in this analogy, is like a hidden tower, whose shape can only be seen by looking at the vine that has taken shape around it. Like in Kennedy’s analogy, working mathematicians are the caretakers who help the structure grow. For McColm, this analogy emphasizes the importance of mathematics education – a process of strengthening the vine so that it may continue to grow. Perhaps because his audience is primarily post-secondary researchers, he does not advocate finding shortcuts to “higher” views, but rather suggests that education be promoted through “tending to the vine” – clarifying mathematics and strengthening connections between different branches.

Although they suggest more of a structure at play, rather that a stable unified whole, organic metaphors like those used by McColm and Kennedy continue to suggest a natural unity among the various parts of mathematics. In that sense they are still rooted (or centered), and, although they have somewhat destabilized the tree analogy, they haven’t quite deconstructed it. They have not, for example, gone quite as far as Wittgenstein, who seemed to suggest that metaphors that attempt to link the subjects of mathematics in a defining way like this are misguided. In his view, as described by Ackerman (1988, p. 115):

mathematics is an assemblage of language games, having no sharp and uniform external boundary, with potentially confusing and criss-crossing subdisciplines held together by an internal network of analogous proof techniques.

It is easy to appreciate how some climbers in Kennedy’s trees and McColm’s vines end up like the protagonist in Roz Chast’s cartoon “Falling off the Math Cliff”, where step 1 is “A boy begins his wondrous journey,” and step 8 is “The plummet.”

The images in this post are “Pythagoras Tree” fractals, made using GSP.

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*Credit for article given to dan.mackinnon*

Metaphors and Mathematics 2

Robert Recorde, author the first English textbook on algebra (published in 1557), chose to give his book the metaphorical title The Whetstone of Witte to encourage people to take up the new and difficult practice of algebra. The metaphor of a whetstone, or blade-sharpener, suggests that algebra is not only useful, but also good mental exercise. In the verse that he included on its title page, he writes,

Its use is great, and more than one. Here if you lift your wits to wet, Much sharpness thereby shall you get. Dull wits hereby do greatly mend, Sharp wits are fined to their full end.

Mathematics, and algebra in particular, according to The Whetstone of Witte is like a knife-sharpener for the brain. Four hundred years later, in his book Mathematician’s Delight (1961), W.W. Sawyer takes up a similar metaphor, suggesting that “Mathematics is like a chest of tools: before studying the tools in detail, a good workman should know the object of each, when it is used, how it is used.” Whether they describe mathematics as a sharpener or other tool, these mechanical metaphors are commonly used to emphasize the practicality and versatility of mathematics, particularly when employed in engineering or science, and suggest that it should be used thoughtfully, and with precision.

An often quoted mechanical metaphor that suggests a more frantic and less precise process of mathematical creation is often attributed to Paul Erdos: “a mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.”

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*Credit for article given to dan.mackinnon*


Metaphors and Mathematics 1

When asked to describe mathematics we often resort to metaphor rather than attempt to provide strict definitions. These pictures from high school math textbooks from the 1930s are an example of this tendancy.

The simple hierarchies of these images resolve the complicated relationship between mathematics and science by appealing to our desire for an organic unity among disciplines, giving mathematics a foundational role within the general concept of science. These images are appealing, but do not stand up to scrutiny.

The simple relationship between mathematics and science becomes complicated when mathematics is described, as it sometimes is, as a science itself. It’s definition as “the science of space and quantity” is further complicated by the caveat that it is an exact deductive science, unlike the usual inductive kind. Following this line of thinking further, mathematics is then described as a kind of meta-science, or a limit point to which science might aspire – science emptied of all of its empirical content, a science of pure thought. While some view mathematics as a foundation for science, others as a supra-science, the emerging field of experimental mathematics brings mathematics back into the empirical fold, reducing it (or elevating it) to a science like any other. So, mathematics can be seen as root, branch, or even the form of the tree itself.

Thinking about these things for even a short while evokes some sympathy with Bertrand Russell’s remark that “mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.”

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*Credit for article given to dan.mackinnon*

How science, math, and tech can propel swimmers to new heights

One hundred years ago, in the 1924 Paris Olympics, American Johnny Weissmuller won the men’s 100m freestyle with a time of 59 seconds. Nearly 100 years later, in the most recent Olympics, the delayed 2020 Games in Tokyo, Caeleb Dressel took home the same event with a time that was 12 seconds faster than Weissmuller’s.

Swimming times across the board have become much faster over the past century, a result of several factors, including innovations in training, recovery strategy, nutrition, and some equipment advances.

One component in the improvement in swimming performances over the years is the role of biomechanics—that is, how swimmers optimize their stroke, whether it’s the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, or freestyle.

Swimmers for decades have experimented with different techniques to gain an edge over their competitors. But in more recent years, the application of mathematics and science principles as well as the use of wearable sensor technology in training regimens has allowed some athletes to elevate their performances to new heights, including members of the University of Virginia’s swim team.


In a new research paper, a UVA professor who introduced these concepts and methods to the team and some of the swimmers who have embraced this novel approach to training lay out how the use of data is helping to transform how competitive swimmers become elite. The paper is published in The Mathematical Intelligencer journal.

‘Swimming in data’

Ken Ono thought his time working with swim teams was over. Ono—a UVA mathematics professor, professor of data science by courtesy, and STEM advisor to the University provost—had spent years working with competitive swimmers, first during his time at Emory University in Atlanta and then with other college teams, including Olympians, over the years.

However, he didn’t plan to continue that aspect of his work when he arrived at UVA in 2019. But after a meeting with Todd DeSorbo, who took over the UVA swim program in 2017, Ono soon found himself once again working closely with athletes, beginning his work as a consultant for the team during the 2020-21 season. The UVA women’s swim team would win their first of four consecutive national championships that year.

“One of the things that WElike quite a bit about this work is that swimming is crazy hard,” Ono said. “We were never meant to be swimmers, and it is both an athletic challenge as well as a scientific challenge—it has it all.”

Last fall, following a suggestion from DeSorbo, Ono offered a class that outlined the science-focused approach to improving swimming performances that had proven so successful at UVA, but he wanted to make sure there were no misconceptions about the seriousness of the material.

“We don’t want people thinking that it’s a cupcake course that’s offered for the swimmers,” Ono said.

So, Ono teamed up with UVA students Kate Douglass, August Lamb, and Will Tenpas, as well as MIT graduate student Jerry Lu, who had worked with Ono and the UVA swim team while an undergraduate at the University, to produce a paper that covered the key elements of the class and Ono’s work with swimmers.

Tenpas and Lamb both recently completed the residential master’s program at the School of Data Science as well as their careers as competitive collegiate swimmers. Douglass, who finished her UVA swim career in 2023 as one of the most decorated swimmers in NCAA history, is a graduate student in statistics at the University and is set to compete in the Paris Olympics after winning a bronze medal in the 2020 games.

The group drafted the paper, which they titled “Swimming in Data,” over the course of two months, and it was quickly accepted by The Mathematical Intelligencer. There, Ono said, it has become one of the most-read papers on a STEM subject since tracking began. In July, a version of the paper will also be published in Scientific American.

“It seems to have taken off,” Ono said.

The impact of digital twins

After outlining the evolution of swimming over the past 100 years, the paper explains how an understanding of math and physics, combined with the use of technology to acquire individual-level data, can help maximize performances.

Essential to understanding the scientific principles involved with the swimming stroke, the paper says, are Newton’s laws of motion. The laws—which cover inertia, the idea that acceleration depends on an object’s mass and the amount of force applied, and the principle that an action exerted by an object on another elicits an equal and opposite reaction—help simplify how one should think about the many biomechanical factors involved with swimming, according to Tenpas.

“There are all sorts of flexibility limitations. You have water moving at you, you have wakes, you have currents—it’s easy to kind of get paralyzed by the number of factors,” said Tenpas, who after four years at Duke, where he studied mechanical engineering, enrolled in UVA’s data science program and joined the swim team with a fifth year of eligibility.

“WEthink having Newton’s laws is nice as it gives you this baseline we can all agree on,” he added.

It’s a way to understand pool mechanics given the counterintuitive motion swimmers must use to propel themselves forward, according to Ono.

“The reason that we go to great extent to recall Newton’s laws of motion is so that we can break down the factors that matter when you test a swimmer,” he said.

To conduct these tests, Ono and his team use sensors that can be placed on swimmers’ wrists, ankles, or backs to gather acceleration data, measured as inertial measurement units. That information is then used to generate what are called digital twins, which precisely replicate a swimmer’s movements.

These twins reveal strengths and weaknesses, allowing Ono and the coaching staff to make recommendations on technique and strategy—such as how to reduce drag force, a swimmer’s true opponent—that will result in immediate improvement. In fact, through the analysis of data and the use of Newton’s laws, it is possible to make an accurate prediction about how much time a swimmer can save by making a given adjustment.

Lamb, who swam for UVA for five years while a computer science undergrad, then as a data science master’s student, likened digital twins to a feature in the popular Nintendo game Mario Kart where you can race against a ghost version of yourself.

“Being able to have this resource where you can test for one month and then spend a month or two making that adjustment and then test again and see what the difference is—it’s an incredibly valuable resource,” he said.

To understand the potential of digital twins, one need only look at the example of Douglass, one of the co-authors, who is cited in the paper.

A flaw was identified in her head position in the 200m breaststroke. Using her digital twin, Ono and the coaching staff were able to quantify how much time she could save per streamline glide by making a modification, given her obvious talent and aerobic capacity. She did, and the results were remarkable. In November 2020, when her technique was tested, the 200m breaststroke wasn’t even on her event list. Three years later, she held the American record.

‘Everyone’s doing it now’

Swimming will be front and center in the national consciousness this summer. First, the U.S. Olympic Team Trials will be held in Indianapolis in June, leading up to the Paris Olympics in July and August, where DeSorbo, UVA’s coach who embraced Ono’s data-driven strategic advice, will lead the women’s team.

Many aspiring swimmers will undoubtedly be watching over the coming weeks, wondering how they might realize their full athletic potential at whatever level that might be.

For those who have access to technology and data about their technique, Tenpas encourages young swimmers to take advantage.

He noted the significant amount of time a swimmer must put in to reach the highest levels of the sport, estimating that he had been swimming six times per week since he was 12 years old.

“If you’re going to put all of this work in, at least do it smart,” Tenpas said.

At the same time, Lamb urged young swimmers who may not yet have access to this technology to not lose faith in their potential to improve.

“While this is an incredibly useful tool to make improvements to your technique and to your stroke, it’s not the end all, be all,” he said.

“There are so many different ways to make improvements, and we’re hopeful that this will become more accessible as time goes on,” Lamb said of the data methods used at UVA.

As for where this is all going, with the rapidly expanding use and availability of data and wearable technology, Ono thinks his scientific approach to crafting swimming strategies will soon be the norm.

“We think five years from now, our story won’t be a story. It’ll be, “Oh, everyone’s doing it now,'” he said.

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Credit of the article given to Cooper Allen, University of Virginia


3 reasons we use graphic novels to teach math and physics

Graphic novels can help make math and physics more accessible for students, parents or teachers in training. Metamorworks/iStock via Getty Images

Post-pandemic, some educators are trying to reengage students with technology – like videos, computer gaming or artificial intelligence, just to name a few. But integrating these approaches in the classroom can be an uphill battle. Teachers using these tools often struggle to retain students’ attention, competing with the latest social media phenomenon, and can feel limited by using short video clips to get concepts across.

Graphic novels – offering visual information married with text – provide a means to engage students without losing all of the rigor of textbooks. As two educators in math and physics, we have found graphic novels to be effective at teaching students of all ability levels. We’ve used graphic novels in our own classes, and we’ve also inspired and encouraged other teachers to use them. And we’re not alone: Other teachers are rejuvenating this analog medium with a high level of success.

In addition to covering a wide range of topics and audiences, graphic novels can explain tough topics without alienating student averse to STEM – science, technology, engineering and math. Even for students who already like math and physics, graphic novels provide a way to dive into topics beyond what is possible in a time-constrained class. In our book “Using Graphic Novels in the STEM Classroom,” we discuss the many reasons why graphic novels have a unique place in math and physics education. Here are three of those reasons:

Explaining complex concepts with rigor and fun

Increasingly, schools are moving away from textbooks, even though studies show that students learn better using print rather than digital formats. Graphic novels offer the best of both worlds: a hybrid between modern and traditional media.

This integration of text with images and diagrams is especially useful in STEM disciplines that require quantitative reading and data analysis skills, like math and physics.

For example, our collaborator Jason Ho, an assistant professor at Dordt University, uses “Max the Demon Vs Entropy of Doom” to teach his physics students about entropy. This topic can be particularly difficult for students because it’s one of the first times when they can’t physically touch something in physics. Instead, students have to rely on math and diagrams to fill in their knowledge.


Rather than stressing over equations, Ho’s students focus on understanding the subject more conceptually. This approach helps build their intuition before diving into the algebra. They get a feeling for the fundamentals before they have to worry about equations.

After having taken Ho’s class, more than 85% of his students agreed that they would recommend using graphic novels in STEM classes, and 90% found this particular use of “Max the Demon” helpful for their learning. When strategically used, graphic novels can create a dynamic, engaging teaching environment even with nuanced, quantitative topics.


Combating quantitative anxiety

Students learning math and physics today are surrounded by math anxiety and trauma, which often lead to their own negative associations with math. A student’s perception of math can be influenced by the attitudes of the role models around them – whether it’s a parent who is “not a math person” or a teacher with a high level of math anxiety.

Graphic novels can help make math more accessible not only for students themselves, but also for parents or students learning to be teachers.

In a geometry course one of us (Sarah) teaches, secondary education students don’t memorize formulas and fill out problem sheets. Instead, students read “Who Killed Professor X?”, a murder mystery in which all of the suspects are famous mathematicians. The suspects’ alibis are justified through problems from geometry, algebra and pre-calculus.

While trying to understand the hidden geometry of suspect relationships, students often forget that they are doing math – focusing instead on poring over secret hints and notes needed to solve the mystery.

Although this is just one experience for these students, it can help change the narrative for students experiencing mathematical anxiety. It boosts their confidence and shows them how math can be fun – a lesson they can then impart to the next generation of students.


Helping students learn and readers dream big

In addition to being viewed favourably by students, graphic novels can enhance student learning by improving written communication skills, reading comprehension and critical literacy skills. And even outside the classroom, graphic novels support long-term memory for those who have diagnoses like dyslexia.

Pause and think about your own experience – how do you learn about something new in science?

If you’re handed a textbook, it’s extremely unlikely that you’d read it cover to cover. And although the internet offers an enormous amount of math and physics content, it can be overwhelming to sift through hours and hours of videos to find the perfect one to get the “aha!” moment in learning.

Graphic novels provide a starting point for such a broad range of niche topics that it’s impossible for anyone to be experts in them all. Want to learn about programming? Try the “Secret Coders” series. Want to understand more about quantum physics? Dive into “Suspended in Language: Niels Bohr’s life, discoveries, and the century he shaped.” Searching for more female role models in science? “Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier” could be just what you’re looking for.

With all that they offer, graphic novels provide a compelling list of topics and narratives that can capture the attention of students today. We believe that the right set of graphic novels can inspire the next generation of scientists as much as any single individual can.

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Deepmind Created a Maths AI That Can Add Up To 6 But Gets 7 Wrong

Artificial intelligence firm DeepMind has tackled games like Go and Starcraft, but now it is turning its attention to more sober affairs: how to solve school-level maths problems.

Researchers at the company tasked an AI with teaching itself to solve arithmetic, algebra and probability problems, among others. It didn’t do a very good job: when the neural network was tested on a maths exam taken by 16-year-olds in the UK, it got just 14 out of 40 questions correct, or the equivalent of an E grade.

There were also strange quirks in the AI’s ability. For example, it could successfully add up 1+1+1+1+1+1 to make 6, but failed when an extra 1 was added. On the other hand, it gave the correct answer for longer sequences and much bigger numbers.

Other oddities included the ability to correctly answer 68 to the question “calculate 17×4.”, but when the full stop was removed, the answer came out at 69.

Puzzling behaviour

The DeepMind researchers concede they don’t have a good explanation for this behaviour. “At the moment, learning systems like neural networks are quite bad at doing ‘algebraic reasoning’,” says David Saxton, one of the team behind the work.

Despite this, it is still worth trying to teach a machine to solve maths problems, says Marcus du Sautoy, a mathematician at the University of Oxford.

“There are already algorithms out there to do these problems much faster, much better than machine-learning algorithms, but that’s not the point,” says du Sautoy. “They are setting themselves a different target – we want to start from nothing, by being told whether you got that one wrong, that one right, whether it can build up how to do this itself. Which is fascinating.”

An AI capable of solving advanced mathematics problems could put him out of a job, says du Sautoy. “That’s my fear. It may not take too much for an AI to get maturity in this world, whereas a maturity in the musical or visual or language world might be much harder for it. So I do think my subject is vulnerable.”

However, he takes some comfort that machine learning’s general weakness in remaining coherent over a long form – such as a novel, rather than a poem – will keep mathematicians safe for now. Creating mathematical proofs, rather than solving maths problems for 16-year-olds, will be difficult for machines, he says.

Noel Sharkey at the University of Sheffield, UK, says the research is more about finding the limits of machine-learning techniques, rather than promoting advancements in mathematics.

The interesting thing, he says, will be to see how the neural networks can adapt to challenges outside of those they were trained on. “The big question is to ask how well they can generalise to novel examples that were not in the training set. This has the potential to demonstrate formal limits to what this type of learning is capable of.”

Saxton says training a neural network on maths problems could help provide AI with reasoning skills for other applications.

“Humans are good at maths, but they are using general reasoning skills that current artificial learning systems don’t possess,” he says. “If we can develop models that are good at solving these problems, then these models would likely be using general skills that would be good at solving other hard problems in AI as well.”

He hopes the work could make a small contribution towards more general mathematical AIs that could tackle things such as proving theorems.

The DeepMind team has published its data set of maths questions, and encouraged people to train their own AI.

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*Credit for article given to Adam Vaughan*