Super Models – Using Maths to Mitigate Natural Disasters

We can’t tame the oceans, but modelling can help us better understand them.

Last year will go on record as one of significant natural disasters both in Australia and overseas. Indeed, the flooding of the Brisbane River in January is still making news as the Queensland floods inquiry investigates whether water released from Wivenhoe Dam was responsible. Water modelling is being used to answer the question: could modelling have avoided the problem in the first place?

This natural disaster – as well as the Japanese tsunami in March and the flooding in Bangkok in October – involved the movement of fluids: water, mud or both. And all had a human cost – displaced persons, the spread of disease, disrupted transport, disrupted businesses, broken infrastructure and damaged or destroyed homes. With the planet now housing 7 billion people, the potential for adverse humanitarian effects from natural disasters is greater than ever.

Here in CSIRO’s division of Mathematical and Information Sciences, we’ve been working with various government agencies (in Australia and China) to model the flow of flood waters and the debris they carry. Governments are starting to realise just how powerful computational modelling is for understanding and analysing natural disasters and how to plan for them.

This power is based on two things – the power of computers and the power of the algorithms (computer processing steps) that run on the computers.

In recent years, the huge increase in computer power and speed coupled with advances in algorithm development has allowed mathematical modellers like us to make large strides in our research.

These advances have enabled us to model millions, even billions of water particles, allowing us to more accurately predict the effects of natural and man-made fluid flows, such as tsunamis, dam breaks, floods, mudslides, coastal inundation and storm surges.

So how does it work?

Well, fluids such as sea water can be represented as billions of particles moving around, filling spaces, flowing downwards, interacting with objects and in turn being interacted upon. Or they can be visualised as a mesh of the fluids’ shape.

Let’s consider a tsunami such as the one that struck the Japanese coast in March of last year. When a tsunami first emerges as a result of an earthquake, shallow water modelling techniques give us the most accurate view of the wave’s formation and early movement.

Mesh modelling of water being poured into a glass.

Once the wave is closer to the coast however, techniques known collectively as smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) are better at predicting how the wave interacts with local geography. We’ve created models of a hypothetical tsunami off the northern Californian coastline to test this.

A dam break can also be modelled using SPH. The modelling shows how fast the water moves at certain times and in certain places, where water “overtops” hills and how quickly it reaches towns or infrastructure such as power stations.

This can help town planners to build mitigating structures and emergency services to co-ordinate an efficient response. Our models have been validated using historical data from a real dam that broke in California in 1928 – the St. Francis Dam.

Having established that our modelling techniques work better than others, we can apply them to a range of what-if situations.

In collaboration with the Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Centre in China we tested scenarios such as the hypothetical collapse of the massive Geheyan Dam in China.

We combined our modelling techniques with digital terrain models to get a realistic picture of how such a disaster would unfold and, therefore, what actions could mitigate it.

Our experience in developing and using these techniques over several decades allows us to combine them in unique ways for each situation.

We’ve modelled fluids not just for natural disaster planning but also movie special effects, hot metal production, water sports and even something as everyday as insurance.

Insurance companies have been looking to us for help to understand how natural disasters unfold. They cop a lot of media flak after disasters for not covering people affected. People living in low-lying areas have traditionally had difficulty accessing flood insurance and find themselves unprotected in flood situations.

Insurers are starting to realise that the modelling of geophysical flows can provide a basis for predicting localised risk of damage due to flooding and make flood coverage a viable business proposition. One Australian insurance company has been working with us to quantify risk of inundation in particular areas.

Using data from the 1974 Brisbane floods, the floods of last year and fluid modelling data, an insurance company can reliably assess residents’ exposure to particular risks and thereby determine suitable premiums.

With evidence-based tools such as fluid modelling in their arsenal, decision-makers are better prepared for the future. That may be a future of more frequent natural disasters, a future with a more-densely-populated planet, or, more likely, a combination of both.

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*Credit for article given to Mahesh Prakash*

Rubik’s Cube Solution Unlocked By Memorising 3915 Final Move Sequences

For the first time, a speedcuber has demonstrated a solution to the Rubik’s cube that combines the two final steps of the puzzle’s solution into one.

A Rubik’s cube solver has become the first person to show proof of successfully combining the final two steps of solving the mechanical puzzle into one move. The feat required the memorisation of thousands of possible sequences for the final step.

Most skilled speedcubers – people who compete to solve Rubik’s cubes with the most speed and efficiency – choose to solve the final layer of the cube with two separate moves that involve 57 possible sequences for the penultimate step and 21 possible sequences for the final move.

Combining those two separate actions into a single move requires a person to memorise 3915 possible sequences. These sequences were previously known to be possible, but nobody is reported to have successfully achieved this so-called “Full 1 Look Last Layer” (Full 1LLL) move until a speedcuber going by the online username “edmarter” shared a YouTube video demonstrating that accomplishment.

Edmarter says he decided to take up the challenge after seeing notable speedcubers try and fail. Over the course of about a year, he spent 10 hours each weekend and any free time during the week practising and memorising the necessary sequences, he told New Scientist. That often involved memorising 144 movement sequences in a single day.

All that effort paid off on 4 August 2022 when edmarter uploaded a video demonstrating the Full 1LLL over the course of 100 separate puzzle solves. He also posted his accomplishment to Reddit’s r/Cubers community.

His average solve time for each Rubik’s cube over the course of that video demonstration run was 14.79 seconds. He says he had an average solve time as low as 12.50 seconds during two practice runs before recording the video.

The Rubik’s cube community has reacted with overwhelming enthusiasm and awe. The top-voted comment on his Reddit post detailing the achievement simply reads: “This is absolutely insane.”

But he is not resting on his laurels. Next up, he plans to try practising some other methods for finishing the Rubik’s cube that have only previously been mastered by a handful of people.

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*Credit for article given to Jeremy Hsu*