Importance of Maths in Kids Daily Life

Mathematics is an essential part of our daily lives, and it is crucial for children to develop strong math skills from a young age. Here are some reasons why math is important in kids’ daily lives:

Problem-solving skills: Mathematics teaches children how to solve problems, both in math-related situations and in real-life situations. The logical and analytical skills they develop through math help them find solutions to problems and make informed decisions.

Money management: Math skills are essential for managing finances. Children need to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide money to manage their allowances and understand the value of different amounts.

Time management: Math skills also play a critical role in time management. Children need to be able to tell time, calculate elapsed time, and understand the concept of time zones to manage their schedules and keep appointments.

Measurements: Measurements are everywhere, from cooking to construction. Math skills are necessary for children to understand the different units of measurement and use them in everyday situations.

Technology: Math is essential for understanding and using technology. Programming, robotics, and computer science are all based on math concepts. Register for the International Maths Olympiad Challenge to improve your kid’s skill and thinking level.

Academic and career success: Strong math skills are essential for success in academic and career fields such as engineering, science, finance, and technology. Building a strong foundation in math from a young age can set children up for future success.

In summary, math is an essential subject that plays a crucial role in students’ academic and personal development. It helps students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, enhances their quantitative abilities, improves decision-making abilities, advances career opportunities, and improves overall academic performance.

Amazing Facts of Maths Every Student Should Know

For many students, maths is the only subject that gives fear. Students think that it is dull. They find shortcuts, try to avoid maths, and associate this feeling with the subject. This stays with them for their whole life. 

However, maths is also a fascinating subject, and you need to know it better. Make maths your best friend and participate in various International Maths Olympiad to know how interesting this subject is!

Here you will get some interesting facts about maths that prove that the maths olympiad can also be exciting. These facts will help you in day-to-day life and are also very interesting to study.

Fun Maths Facts for Students

  1. According to this fact, from count 0 to 1000 you will find that only 1000 has the letter ‘A’ in its spelling.
  2. Odd numbers have the letter ‘E’ in spelling.
  3. Only 0 is the number that is not depicted in roman numerals
  4. If you multiply an even number by 6 you will find the digit that is ending with the same number.
  5. In 40 spelling (FORTY) every alphabet is arranged in alphabetical order.
  6. Do you know that the origin of the calculator is from Abacus?
  7. Multiply any number from 9 you will find a digit and every time sum of that digit will always 9.
  8. A number can be divisible by 3 if the sum of that digit is divisible by 3.
  9. If you put 23 people in a room, then there is a 50% chance that two of them will have the same birthdays, and in a room of 75 people, there is a 75% chance.
  10. ‘Jiffy’, it’s not only the word. It is a length of time and equals 1/100th of a second.
  11. Do you love baking then you will like the maths olympiad too! If you want to make the perfect cookie then you can apply this simple formula using the ratio of 3:2:1 which means take 3 parts of flour, 2 parts of fat, and 1 part of sugar.
  12. Do you know? You can get 8 equal parts of cake by just making 3 cuts. The First 2 cuts will make a cross on the cake and 3rd cut will be horizontal from the center of the cake.
  13. Do you know about Palindrome? A number that reads the same from forward or backward like 13431.
  14. When you add all the numbers from 1 to 100 the result will be 5050.
  15. There is a which spelled the same number of letters as the number itself.
  16. Multiply 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 you will get 12345678987654321. Here you will notice that sequence of numbers is 1 to 9 and back to 1.
  17. Circle will always have a small perimeter as compared to other shapes having the same area.
  18. If you multiply or divide with 7 you can’t answer between 1 to 10
  19. Do you know the addition and subtraction signs were used as early as 1489 AD?
  20. Add the opposite side number in a dice, and you will always get 7. Check now!

Wow! Now we know interesting facts about maths and it looks like maths is such an interesting subject. If you want to solve any question or want to become a scientist, you have to study maths because it will always be your backbone.

Studying and preparing for the maths Olympiad will enhance students’ logical reasoning and thinking abilities and help them move toward solid career opportunities.

If you are confused about participating in the International Maths Challenge ,  we are here to guide you at every step of your success. Contact us at