My child lacks substantial functional impairment, yet struggles with time during timed tests. Shouldn’t additional time be considered?

Please remember that test takers must carefully monitor their time on any IMC Exam . An inability to complete our Challenge under standard time conditions is not automatically a reason for granting additional test time

While my child’s impairment doesn’t lead to significant restrictions, I believe that having accommodations could enhance their performance. Shouldn’t they be given the chance to demonstrate their full potential?

The ADA is intended to enable equal access, not to maximize outcomes. Accommodations must not provide anyone with an unfair advantage relative to other test takers. Instead, they should provide equitable access to IMC exams for test takers with disabilities. 

Am I entitled to my preferred accommodations?

If your child is disabled within the meaning of the ADA, you are entitled to reasonable and appropriate accommodations that enable equitable access to a IMC. Your requested accommodations will be considered, but you might not receive your preferred accommodations.

Should I ask for every possible accommodation (in hopes of getting something), or is it better to ask only for what is really necessary?

We encourage you to request accommodations that appropriately address any functional limitations your child experienced.  Accommodations are designed to provide equitable access to candidates with disabilities.  Requests for accommodations must include objective evidence of a clear connection between the functional limitation and the accommodation being requested. The evidence presented must demonstrate that the accommodation is needed. Requests for accommodations not supported by objective documentation will not be granted.

My child’s disability is considered to be lifelong. Why does the documentation have to be recent?

While your child may have been diagnosed with a permanent disability, the manifestations of the condition may vary over time and across settings. We need to verify the current impact of the condition on your child’s daily functioning. For some conditions, such as most learning disabilities, documentation prepared within the past three years is generally sufficient to verify current impact, while more recent documentation may be needed for other conditions, such as psychological disorders. For physical disabilities and long-term vision and hearing disabilities that typically do not change over time, older documentation may be accepted as long as it provides a clear indication of your child’s current functional limitations.

My child has received accommodations in school. Is this sufficient to demonstrate my need for accommodations?

No. Policies and procedures for establishing eligibility for accommodations differ from school to school and school accommodations may involve different considerations than accommodations on a standardised examination like the IMC exams.

My child was approved for accommodations previously, but my approval letter has expired. Can I request an extension?

No. You need to furnish all the documents as a fresh requirement from our end.

Will my IMC Score Report reflect that my child received special accommodations?

No. Score reports do not indicate whether a test was taken with accommodations.

My child’s medical/clinical documentation is not in English. Is it necessary for me to provide a written translation of the documentation?

Yes. In order for your application to be reviewed, a word-for-word English translation must be submitted, along with the original documentation for our validation.