How Can You Motivate Students in Mathematics

Inspiring students to be exuberantly responsive is one of the most significant aspects of mathematics directions and a serious aspect of any curriculum. Successful teachers focus attentively on the less interested or weak students and the intelligent ones. Here are a few ways—based on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation—that can come into action to inspire primary and secondary school students in maths preparation.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation includes advantages that occur outside the student’s dominance. These may incorporate lucrative token rewards for top performance, escape “punishment” for accomplishing good, compliments for good work, and so on.

Although, many students show intrinsic motivation in their preference to understand a session or logic (task-related), to surpass others (ego-related), or to influence others. The ultimate aim gets to the barrier between intrinsic and extrinsic.

Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation in Math

Call attention to a gap in students’ skills: Disclosing to students a difference in their understanding abilities maximizes their desire to learn more. For example, you may present a few usual exercises or tasks that imply familiar circumstances, followed by exercises that include unfamiliar situations on the same maths topic. The more fiercely you find the gap in understanding, the more fruitful the motivation.

Display continuous achievement: Closely connected to the preceding technique is having students cherish a logical order of concepts. This varies from the earlier process in that it relies on students’ aspirations to increase, not complete, their knowledge skills. One instance of a sequential achievement method is how quadrilaterals differ from one to another from the point of view of
their properties.

Give a challenge: When students are challenged rationally, they respond with enthusiasm and attentiveness. Proper care must be taken in opting for the challenge for students like International Maths Olympiad Challenge offers maths test opportunities to students who want to prepare for the maths Olympiad from around the world. The maths challenge must lead into the curriculum and be within reach of the student’s abilities and grades.

Point out the usefulness of a topic: Introduce a practical implementation of genuine interest to the class at the start of a topic. For instance, in high school geometry, a student could be asked to find the diameter of a plate where all the relevant detail they have is a plate section smaller than a semicircle. The activity selected should be organized and easiest to motivate the students.

Use entertaining mathematics: Recreational motivation includes games, quizzes, contests, or puzzles. In addition to being chosen for their specific motivational advantage, these activities must be appropriate and uncomplicated. Effective implementation of this process will let students complete the recreation. Moreover, the fun and excitement that these recreational references create should be handled carefully.


Mathematics teachers must acknowledge the fundamental motives already exist in their learners or students who prepare hard to compete in International Maths Challenge. The teacher can then use these methods of motivation to increase engagement and improve the success rate of the teaching process. Utilizing student motivations and abilities can lead to the development of artificial mathematical problems and situations.