How do I demonstrate that my child has one of these disabilities?

Documentation is important in our decision-making process and we encourage you to provide relevant information in the form of a personal statement and from other sources such as a Professional evaluation or School report. This is intended as an opportunity for you to share information from your own perspective. Please do not be concerned regarding formatting or other technical aspects of the information we are requesting. If clarification is needed, we will let you know.

  1. Accommodation Request Letter by the parent: For any disability or functional impairment, it is most helpful for us to understand your child’s unique history and current needs. We encourage you to address the following items in an accommodation request. This request needs to be in a simple letter typed out and sent to The email has to be sent from the registered email id only
    • Describe how your child is presently impacted when he/she studies, takes exams
    • Describe how your child is presently impacted in a school setting. Describe any accommodations, supports, and coping strategies your child has used in a school setting. It will be important for you to tell us about your child’s schooling and how he/she have been affected in their ability to meet academic and non academic demands. If your child is being home schooled, simply state this.
    • Describe any current impacts in social situations and when your child is carrying out practical tasks or activities of daily living.
    • Tell us if your child has received any formal or informal accommodations in school. If so, tell us exactly what accommodations he/she had (e.g., extra time on exams, breaks during testing) and when these accommodations were in place.
    • Tell us about your child’s school performance from early grades, to the best of your recollection. Tell us if he/she were placed in regular classrooms, advanced classes, or special education classes. Tell us what you remember about the marks he/she earned and whether they repeated any grades.
    • Tell us whether your child have taken any other high-stakes assessments (e.g., PSAT, NAPLAN). If relevant, describe the accommodations your child received on those high-stakes assessments. Tell us what their percentile scores were on each section of each exam, to the best of your recollection. If possible, provide a copy of your score reports for these exams.
  2. Professional Assessment—Apart from the letter, we will also need to review the results of an evaluation performed by a licensed expert (eg, Medical Doctor etc) that captures the nature and severity of your child’s disability and associated impact on tasks of clear relevance to the demands of the IMC. It will be particularly important for the evaluation to include standardized timed academic tasks so that we can determine what accommodations are reasonable and necessary for your child within the context of the IMC. Ideally, the evaluation should allows us to accurately understand the current impact of the diagnosis.